swelling hands

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Results 251-260 from 968 articles

Protein in the Urine

M.S. asks from Houston

I seem to be having a rough time with this pregnancy, even though I feel fine, I was wondering if anyone had protein in their urine and if they had to do one of those...


Cushing's Disease

K.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I have recently been "almost" diagnosed with Cushing's Disease. I am in the care of a Reproductive Endocrinologist who found a micro adenoma. I have a lot, but not ...


Pregnant and Knee Paint

R.C. asks from Houston

I am about 10 weeks pregnant. I have not gained any weight. I'm about 5 feet tall and weigh 115 pounds. I don't regularly exercise, other than maintaining the house...


Insect Bite Allergies?

S.E. asks from New London

I have a LARGE problem with any kind of bite I get. I itch uncontrollably, and get these huge, sore looking welts, usually from my feet, up to my knees!! It looks lik...


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During Pregnancy

J.C. asks from San Francisco

Several years ago I experienced symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome due to my job. And now I believe I'm experiencing it again. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have such u...


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome While Preggo

L.F. asks from Charlotte

This morning I woke up with my right hand feeling tingly. I thought it was just asleep but it has been this way all day now. Also, my thumb and pointer finger are h...


Numbness of Fingers During Pregnancy?

A.W. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I was wondering if any of you have experienced numbness/tingling of your fingers while pregnant. This is my second pregnancy, and throughout both of my pregn...


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

B.W. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone have any advice on treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome? I went to the doctor and got the diagnosis, she gave me a brace to wear at night. I've been doin...


What Can I Do for an Eye Stye?

S.W. asks from Sacramento

Hey moms. I need homecare remedies. The more natural the better. I have tried hot compress. Not helping. Ouch! Not to mention so ugly.


2 Year Old with Fever and Inflamed Gums?

A.G. asks from Minneapolis

We just took my daughter to the doctor and they think its a virus but I'm still confused. For the past 2 days her temp has been 103, finally broke today but now when...

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Answer Highlights

  • baking soda paste in 2 answers "i confirm that a baking soda paste will cool and soothe the welts almost instantly ..."
  • wearing wrist braces in 2 answers "My was pretty severe. Wearing wrist braces at night helped and sometimes if the pain ..."
  • buy a wrist brace in 2 answers "probably just a pinched nerve ps go buy a wrist brace that holds your hand backward"
  • got carpal tunnel in 2 answers "I got carpal tunnel while prego and the doc gave me a wrist brace to wear while on ..."
  • high blood pressure in 7 answers "I did have protein in my urine at one point, but never high blood pressure."