swelling hands

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Results 241-250 from 968 articles

Pregnancy and Hemorrhoids

S.S. asks from Cleveland

I'm 37 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child and I woke up the other morning to find something I've never had before: a small lump near my anus. By the afternoon it became...


How to Treat Fever Blister on 16 Month Old Girl

A.W. asks from Baton Rouge

I have a 16 month old little girl, and I'm pretty sure she has a fever blister on her bottom lip. Yesterday afternoon, I noticed a little "boo-boo" on her lip, it ap...


Another Bee Sting Question....

N.J. asks from Los Angeles

Just curious does anyone know if getting stung by a bee more than once is like a 'cold' in that your body builds immunity towards the venom, or could you at any time ...


Need Some Tips

K.S. asks from Charlotte

I have a friend that is approx. 6 months pregnant. Her feet are swollen so bad that her ankles hurt and the bottom of her feet are red and numb. Her doctor told her i...


Pregnant 25 Yr Old with Severe Arm/hand Pains

K.C. asks from Austin

I have a young friend who is pregnant with her 4th child and she has these hand and arm pains which are worse at night. It started in her dominant hand during a move...


Toe Rings

K.P. asks from San Francisco

Hi Ladies, I've got 2 14k toe rings on the same toe that I can't get off and my toe is getting red and swollen. I've tried veggie oil and ky jelly. Any ideas how ...


Swollen Eye

J.M. asks from Charlotte

My 15 month old son woke up this morning with his left eye swollen almost completely shut. He doesn't have a cold or sinus infection and his eyes are not at all goop...


Need FAST Home Remedy for Puffy Eyes!!

R.D. asks from Richmond

Stupid PMS + holiday stress + super lack of sleep... cried my eyes out last night, I feel much better (I guess I needed that!), BUT today is my son's first birthday, ...


Could You Wear Your Rings Throughout Pregnancy (Or After?)

H.1. asks from Des Moines

I'm almost 7 months pregnant and had to take off one of my rings today! I think with my son, I had to take off my wedding ring but not until the last few weeks. Then,...


My Son Just Developed Bumps on His Head Out of a Blue and His Very Plz Help

S.S. asks from Washington DC

I don't. Know what could caused these bumps and what could the treatment

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