swelling hands

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Results 181-190 from 968 articles

Teething 4 Month Old Baby- What Helped Your Babies the Best?

T.P. asks from Salinas

Hello everyone, I have a 4 month old baby girl who is starting to teeth. I know it might seem a little early but my oldest had 4 teeth by the time he was 4 months. I ...


3 Year Old with Quite a Few Different Symptoms and Don't Know If They Are Linked

G.Z. asks from Los Angeles

My son started with a fever last week. Started on Monday went thru Thrusday and peaked at 103.6. Friday and all weekend he was fine, just had a little cough. Wednesd...


Home Remedy for Sunburn

J.L. asks from Toledo

My 3 1/2 year old was out swimming (with sunscreen on) and got badly sunburn, cracked lips, dry skin on face & neck. I have been giving him some tylenol for the "hur...


Any Moms Know About Kidney Failure? (Edited)

J.H. asks from San Antonio

So I've had chronic kidney stones since '05. Last Monday I went to the doctor for an issue with my shoulder and mentioned that I was having issues urinating. (I had...


Rash on Face

M.E. asks from Chicago

hi i have a beautiful ten month old baby girl who is now eating solids that she will feed herself i must say that she will make quite the mess and her face and hands ...


Has Anyone Had Aches or Pains That the Dr. Could Not Identify?

M.B. asks from Dallas

While doing some lifting at work a while back I strained something in my wrist and am going through workers comp. I've seen a specialist, and a neurologist and have ...


13-Month-old's Sudden Fear of Bath

R.B. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter has always loved bathtime. She has a little chair that sits in the big tub and has always been so happy to spend every evening bathing in it. Tonight sh...


Just Curious -- (Scary Birthing Experiences)

C.R. asks from Sacramento

Just curious if any of you Mamas who have had a scary birthing experience with their child, still remember every detail and all the emotions that come with it? My ol...


Black Liquid Leaking.....

C.R. asks from Salt Lake City

I didn't want to get too detailed in the subject line, because what I am about to ask is pretty gross. If you get sick to your stomache easily, please be warned. I ...


Feeling Awful ... About Child's Injury.

J.F. asks from Washington DC

Last night my 1-year-old was playing with our dog. She tried to take a toy away from him and he snapped at her and grazed her eye lead. It caused some swelling and a ...

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Answer Highlights

  • vote for hylands teething tablets in 2 answers "Another vote for Hylands Teething Tablets..they work wonders for my son."
  • aloe vera gel in 4 answers "Then. Apply aloe vera gel directly on the sunburned areas."
  • cold wet wash cloth in 2 answers "... my daughter had her fingers in her mouth i would give her a cold wet wash cloth ..."
  • leaking from your nipples in 2 answers "Anytime you have anything leaking from your nipples, is cause for concern."
  • put an ice cube in 2 answers "... the net feeding thing (I think Sassy makes one) that I would put an ice cube ..."