summer hairstyles

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50 articles

When Did You Let Your Child Decide?

A.H. asks from Canton

My daughter will be four next week. She has hair that is almost down to her butt. She asked if she could get her hair cut for her birthday. She said she wants her hai...


Are Your NOT Twins Ever Mistaken for Twins?

R.D. asks from Richmond

My daughters are 21 months apart... and have different dad's. I am asked CONSTANTLY how old my twins are. The thing is, the girls both favor their dad's side of the f...


Hair Loss

G.P. asks from San Francisco

My child is now 10 months old and I've noticed that I'm losing my hair - more than usual. During my pregnancy my hair was thick and shiny and now it's duller and thi...


5 Y/o with a Mohawk. What Would You Think?

J.S. asks from Dallas

My son goes to Pre-Kindergarten with a little boy and they are great friends. His parents are super cool, kind, sweet people and have 3 kids. All 3 of their kids hav...


5 Year Old Girl Wants Short Hair-dad Says "No"

J.Y. asks from Madison

Let me start by saying that me and my daughters step-mom have both always had hair shorter than our ears, mine often being very very short. My daughter has always wan...


Question About Hair

L.M. asks from Wichita

Last night I was in a discussion with my daughters soon to be step mother about the frequency in which I wash my daughters hair. I wash it every other time that I bat...


Does This Constitute as Child Neglect?

E.B. asks from Seattle

Christmas Eve my Aunt came out. No biggie. I had not seen her in a long long time, so it was nice. She pouched me in the gut hard though. Metaphorically speakin...


Wii or Playstation 3??

L.F. asks from Kansas City

My children are getting older and we are considering purchasing a gaming system for Christmas for our family so I'm trying to research them now that way I can know ho...


Need Advice for Preschoolers Long Hair

J.R. asks from Nashville

I have a couple of questions. My 4 yo has long wavy hair that is down past her bottom. She hates wearing her hair down and has since she was a baby. I have been pu...


Am I Being a Snob?

P.P. asks from Salt Lake City

I have a group of friends in my neighborhood who have children around the same age as my children. Our kids like to play together but in the recent months if has bec...

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