summer hairstyles

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Results 31-40 from 50 articles

The Older Women Get, the Shorter Their Hair Gets. Menopause Related Question

H.P. asks from Springfield

We've all noticed that the older the woman, the shorter her hair. I know some of the reasons we choose short hair. But I've had long hair my entire life and haven't i...


6 Year Old Birthday Party Games/activities?

L.V. asks from Sioux Falls

My daughter is turning 6 at the end of May and we are having a birthday party for her in our backyard. We are inviting some of her friends from her kindergarten clas...


Short or Long Hair for a 7 Year Old Girl?

T.D. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi! My 7 year old daughter has really long hair and loves it. However, she gets upset EVERY time I try to brush and style it. Most of the time I just brush it out ...


13 Year Old Son Making Me Crazy!

B.S. asks from Chicago

I know this is probably perfectly normal, but my 13 year old son is making me a little crazy. He is going through a phase and does not want to get his hair cut or eve...


Daughter Wants 'Boy' Haircut/gender Issues

B.T. asks from Washington DC

Hi - my mature 6 yr old daughter has been very much the tom boy since she was about 2 1/2 (about the time her little brother was born). In my opinion, it is almost t...


Who Makes the Choices? Clothes, Piercing, Etc.

H.W. asks from Portland

Jumping off of Amy J's question earlier today about appropriate clothing for children: Who makes the call about clothing in your house? I know that our kids are al...


6 Year Old Daughter Wants to Wear Her Hair the Way She Wants

M.S. asks from Washington DC

This probably seems trivial but I am looking at the whole picture ahead and want to get some advice now. My daughter has decided she no longer wants to wear headbands...


Does Your Husband Have a Say in Cutting Your Hair?

A.A. asks from Nashville

Just wondering how many womens husbands have a say if there wife can cut their hair? I have a 2 1/2 year old and fixing to have another baby in sept. I used to always...


Just Killing Time.... Fashion Statements You Cant Stand.

M.. asks from St. Louis

What are some new fashion trends that you just will not participate in? Mine used to be leggings, but I finally cracked and started wearing them. Now its those ugl...


Bad Idea - I Cut My Daughter's Hair... but There Is More...

D.M. asks from Denver

My daughter is 6 and has long hair. She HATES anything in it - barrettes, pony tails, she takes them out and it's in knots. I told her several times that ...

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Answer Highlights

  • tank tops with bra straps in 2 answers "JUICY." Ack. Tank tops with bra straps hanging out."
  • justin beiber haircuts in 2 answers "ADDED: Justin Beiber haircuts! I'm tired of seeing boys flick their heads so hard ..."
  • duck duck goose in 2 answers "What about duck duck goose but as princess princess frog?"
  • skinny jeans on guys in 4 answers "Baggy jeans/pants hanging off kids butts, skinny jeans on guys, guys wearing shirts ..."
  • wear her hair the way she wants in 5 answers "My best advice: pick your battles: let her wear her hair the way she wants and stop ..."