start labor

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How to NOT Induce Labor

C.K. asks from Chicago

Okay, this is more of a fun question than a serious one, but I need some advice (old wives tales, etc.) on ways to NOT go into labor. I'm 38.5 weeks, due June 7th. ...


HELP!!! Am I in Labor?

M.W. asks from Cleveland

Hello all wonderful mommas, This is my third child, and i am in the midst of a disagreement with my OB. My family Dr. tested me positive for this pregnancy and I we...


Inducing Labor

S.L. asks from Spartanburg

I was induced to deliver my daughter 4 years ago, and it did not go well. I was 0 cm dilated, not in any kind of labor at all, and it only took 3 1/2 hours from the ...


How Do I Induce My Own Labor

C.H. asks from Los Angeles

I know about sex supposedly inducing labor, but it hasn't worked for me. Any other ideas besides walking? I heard about Kim Chi (a korean dish), or rasberry leaf tea....


Inducing Labor

M.M. asks from St. Louis

My due date was October 31st. My doctor has scheduled me to be induced on Monday November 5th. I originally was having a natural homebirth, but due to many obstacles...


Upcoming Labor

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi all: With my first baby, I dropped about 2 weeks before the birth and was 2 cm dilated at the 40 week appointment. To make a long story short, they induced the...


Signs of Labor

J.B. asks from St. Louis

I have less than two weeks left of my pregnancy. My first pregnancy my signs of labor were just contractions and my second ended up being a planned cesarean since my ...


Induced Labor

E.Z. asks from Indianapolis

Hello Everyone I know some of you must have gone through the experience of induced labor. There is a chance that this could be my option according to my OB. So I was...


Early Labor???

J.S. asks from St. Louis

Hi mamas! I'm 37 weeks PG with DS #2. My first went pretty quickly. Found out I was 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced on a Monday. No pain all week, by Friday I was having b...


How to Induce Labor (And Why...)

M.V. asks from Eugene

I am 12 days overdue, and am wondering what ways you have to induce labor. My midwives have stripped my membranes (3 times now) but that hasn't done much. Any exerc...

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