start labor

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Bringing on Labor

Sperm contains certain chemicals that can help induce labor. 1 mom found this helpful. Helpful? Yes | No Save This Remove This Report This Share ...

When Did Labor Start After Stopping 17P And/or Procardia (Nifedipine)?

Read all 6 responses: "Hello! Just wondering if anyone has ever been on 17P and/ or Procardia (Nifedipine) and how long did it take you to go into labor ...

The Onset of Labor

I was only in labor for 3 hours from the time they broke my water to the final push, ... FYI, I did not start having contractions till about 1 hour later. ...

Bringing on Labor to Be Induced or Wait It Out!

I have gone into labor on my own and induced, honestly it was much nicer to induce. Everything was all planned out and orderly, although there was a little ...

What Is Maternal Acupressure?

I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby and I have heard that maternal acupressure can induce labor. Both of my other pregnancies have gone to thier due date but ...

Foley Bulb Catheter/acupuncture?

I was late and had the Foley bulp catheter and it really didn't help to induce me. They had to give me petocin (not sure of the spelling) to induce labor ...

Natural Labor Induction

It kinda scared me when I went into labor. I was wondering if I should have done ... Next question: How Can I Induce Labor? ... How Do I Induce My Own Labor ...

Inducing Labor Naturally

If she wants to 'induce labor naturally', she'll let the baby decide when he/she wants to come .... Castor Oil - Has Anyone Tried It to Induce Their Labor? ...

Early Stages of Labor

Read all 7 responses: "I am 37+ weeks pregnant and I started early labor symptoms a week ago ... 39 weeks pregnant stripping membrane · drug to induce labor ...
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