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Results 61-70 from 80 articles

Long Jeans for a Tall Toddler

A.J. asks from Austin

My daughter just turned 2. She is very tall (75th percentile) and skinny (25th percentile). I have such a hard time finding pants that fit her. They are usually too b...


Sitter for Sick Little Angel

C.N. asks from Los Angeles

The day after Christmas our sweet little angel wad diagnosed with ALL(acute lymphocytic leukemia). She had just turned 4 in December and we are still in the hospital...


Dressing up at Home

J.L. asks from Missoula

I know this is kind of a silly question...I'm a new SAHM. As a SAHM, I initially relished the idea of spending all day in my shorts and T-shirts and did just that. (B...


Do You Use Your Kid's Seasonal Fancy Clothes in a Normal Day?

Y.C. asks from New York

As I am packing my kids clothes I find my toddlers dress for Christmas, all puffy and full of lace, red and black. I debate if put it in the box even if I know that i...


Mourning a Size Zero Figure

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi- I know this is teenie tiny compared to having something awful happen…like loss of a child, going through cancer, losing a job or loss of a loved one. However,...


Taking Baby to Wedding?

J.P. asks from New York

Would you take your 7 week old to a wedding? I don't know the is my fiance's family...I am being pressured to take him and don't want to as I breastfeed ...


"Must Haves" for Labor and Delivery

J.L. asks from Norfolk

I am trying to figure out what I absolutely need to pack to take with me to the hospital and wonder what one thing did you take with you that you just would not have ...


Even If You Aren't One- How Do You Make Yourself into a "Soccer Mom"

J.A. asks from St. Louis

I saw a post about the stereotyped soccer moms and their yoga pants etc... and it got me to thinking. In our town, all the stay-at-home moms whose "husbands make 6 fi...


Grandma Opening Savings Account for Grandkid?

C.M. asks from Chicago

My SD's grandma wants to open a saving's account for her. I know she's trying to be helpful. I've been after my husband to do this for his daughter for a long time...


Weight Gain

L.P. asks from Phoenix

According to the little pregnancy calendar i find on other websites I am currently 6 weeks along. Over the last week I have noticed that my stomach is bulging out(it ...

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