I walk everyday for 3 to 4 hours, have sex every other day, and nipple stimulations. Still my contractions are not regular. Some time when I used the bathroom I notic...
My offical due date is aug. 11th however For over 2 weeks I have been 70% efaced, and a little more than 1C dialated. I woke up this morning having major braxton hick...
ok so this is my 3rd child BUT first time not being enduced (sp) I believe I have lost my mucus plug. I am at 36wks, my first son was born at 38 and second son at 37...
I'm due in 10 days (Oct. 9th). My baby seems to have dropped (my belly looks and feels much lower), and I have had a few painful contractions (but mostly painless Bra...
Ok so at 33 weeks I went into labor and they stopped it. Now I am 36 weeks. Yesterday I went to the hospital because I was having contractions. I went and they did an...
I remember reading somewhere that 'flu-like symptoms' are a sign of labor... So I'm kind of praying that my runny nose, sore throat, and headache means that I am almo...
I know that many of you mamas have been through this and would love to hear some stories to cheer me up because I am a bit upset with everything right now. At my las...
I am 37 weeks pregnant. This is my third and I have been having contractions, cramping and sharp shooting pain for awhile now. I found out I am dilated to a 2, 50 p...
OK...I gotta know if I should call my doctor or not. I hate to bother them if I'm just freaking out over nothing. OK - so here are my symptoms...My pelvic bone feels ...
I am due this Thursday, making me 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I'm only 1.5 cm dilated, lost my mucus plug 2 weeks ago, get BH contractions from hell, dropped about ...