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Decided Against All Vaccinations, What Can I Expect ?

B.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi! my name is B.. I am expecting my first baby in September. With a background in child care I have heard numerous horror stories about adverse effects resulting fr...


Severe Eczema! HELP!

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My 1 1/2 year old little boy has severe eczema. It is all over his body and he scratches himself until he bleeds. The pediatrician has given me several different crea...


MMR Study a fraud...thoughts?

B.P. asks from New York

So the infamous study linking the MMR vaccine to autism is now officially debunked. Does that change anyone's mind about the MMR? What about vaccines in general and...


Has Anyone Supplemented at 1 Month?

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O.K. asks from Redding

Hello I have to move to be closer to a Birthing Center... Up until now, I have had help changing the kitty litter. But Because of the transfer.. I may be ...


Cloth Diapers

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Well, we are going to have another baby! This time around I was thinking perhaps we would use cloth diapers. They are much more cost effective and Earth may like me...


Sensitive Skin to Cosmetics

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I have a bad complexion problem i break out really esy using certain foundations.. i have to use foundation on my face help me


How Bad Is It Really??!!

K.G. asks from New York

Okay Ladies, first time Mom and all is well so far at 6 months along! Of course as we approach the big day I find it a little difficult to not think about (read: Obse...


HELP ME PLEASE! I Need Advice!

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I found out about an hour ago that my current sitting arrangements are not going to work any longer. Until now my mother had watched my son for free. I work full time...


Dilemma with My mother...advice Needed. Kinda Long

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I will try to sum this up and keep it as short as possible. 2 years ago i went thru a divorce from my 2.5yo father. he is an alcoholic, and was becoming abusive. I ...

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