reward charts

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Results 81-90 from 1,493 articles

Seeking Advice from Experienced Moms on Night Time Potty Training.

M.R. asks from Toledo

I have two children and neither are dry at night. My son is almost 8 yrs and my daughter almost 4 yrs. We have tried various methods with my son about a year ago. ...


Rewards Chart for 3 Year old...ideas Please!

C.R. asks from Los Angeles

Long story but bottom line is I need to start a rewards chart for my 3 year old daughter. I want to reward her for things like staying in her bed all night, good beh...


Seeking Help with Encopresis

A.T. asks from Seattle

I have a 6 year old son that has encopresis. we have been dealing with this for 18 months now and I am frustrated!! he take Mirilax regularly and he goes fine when ...


Does Anyone Have a Kid like Mine and Been Diagnosed - Does Whatever He Wants?

S.B. asks from San Antonio

I know this is a total shot in the dark, but I figure I'd put it out there. I cannot get my DS under control. He will do what he wants, because he wants to, regardl...


Encopresis - Guilty Ex-Pat Mom Seeking Answers

G.C. asks from Atlanta

Hello Mamas, I'm at the end of my rope with my 5 year old daughter. We recently found out she has encopresis (withholding BMs). For those of you familiar with i...


Potty Training--HELP I'm Out of Ideas!

R.N. asks from Albuquerque

We have a 3 year old boy. We've been working on potty training for almost 4 months now and still no progress. We've tried everything we've done reward sticker chart...


Responsibiliy Chart Question

M.D. asks from San Francisco

So i just bought a responsibility chart for my 4 year old. I'm curious if you're "supposed" to give rewards also or are the magnets for ea. chore done enough of a rew...


Help with My 5 Year Olds Behavior and Parenting in General

J.B. asks from Seattle

Hi. First of all, I need to clarify that I think I poorly worded my first request as I had several people respond as if my children needed counseling or have developm...


Self Regulation Skills/impulsiveness/teaching Self Control

P.L. asks from Washington DC

Hi moms, Just had a parent/teacher conference and was told told I need to help my daughter manage her impulsive actions and self regulation skills and to help her re...


Potty Training??

J.S. asks from Charleston

Hello....My daughter is only 15 months old, and has started potty training herself already!! Its only maybe once a day right now, and lots of false runs to her potty...

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  • dum dum suckers in 2 answers "We used Dum Dum suckers. You can get a huge bag for really inexpensive and they are ..."
  • urinary tract infections in 2 answers "I have a five year old daughter that has had multiple urinary tract infections."
  • sensory processing disorder in 2 answers "Have you looked into sensory processing disorder (SPD). When he says he knows what ..."
  • parenting with love and logic in 2 answers "I am a facilitator for the Parenting With Love and Logic curriculum and I highly recommend ..."
  • clearly isnt ready in 2 answers "He clearly isn't ready to be potty trained."