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Results 171-180 from 1,493 articles

How Do I Get My 2.5 Year Old to Behave Without Bribes?

J.D. asks from Austin

I have a 2.5 year old son who, like a lot of 2 year olds, is very determined to test his limits and assert his new found independence. I'm a patient person, but I fe...


Five Year Old with Horrible Morning Behavior

K.H. asks from Detroit

I have been having some difficulty with my five year old and am looking for thoughts/ideas. As a divorced mother, I have to work which is heartbreaking to me, but I ...


Lack of Motivation

R.M. asks from San Francisco

I have a 7 year old boy who is very intelligent and bright. He however lacks any motivation to do anything except watch TV and go to the movies. I have him resgistere...


My Son Is Already in Trouble at Kindergarten...I Need Help & Advice!

T.D. asks from Chicago

My son just turned 5 and he just started full-day kindergarten 2 weeks ago. He had been in preshool for 3 years without any problems. Today I got a phone call from ...


How Did You Make the Toilet Inviting for Toddler to Use?

A.C. asks from Bloomington

My son is 2.5 years old, and I really feel we need to start potty training. We have a couple of books about it, and he's showing signs of bodily function awareness, ...


5 Year Old and Not Wanting to Go to School

C.S. asks from Phoenix

This last week has been so stressful Every morning I get my 5 year old up and she lays around and when i tell her to get dressed she just looks at me. i go out of t...


Behavior Problems with 4 Year Old

T.R. asks from Washington DC

We are currently having some issues with our 4 yr old daughter. She likes to say bad words (stupid, shut up, I don't like you) and recently starting using a$$ on a r...


How Do You Limit Your Child's TV Watching??

S.W. asks from Dallas

I have a 4-year-old and am afraid the TV situation is getting out of control. She went from not caring anything for a TV to LOVING it. I'm thinking of using a chart o...


8 Year Is Just Rude to His Dad

W.R. asks from St. Louis

My 8 year old is good in school and usually a pretty nice kid but he is absolutely rude to his father. He can't stand listening to his dad eat and it drives him craz...


Advice on Education

B.M. asks from Albany

I have a 12 (almost 13) year old daughter who is doing very poorly in school. It's mostly because she doesn't complete her homework assignments but her average right...

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Answer Highlights

  • happiest toddler on the block in 2 answers "... No Cry Discipline Solution -- Elizabeth Pantley Happiest Toddler on the Block ..."
  • lose their tv in 2 answers "And then my kids can only lose their TV/computer privileges."
  • earn his tv in 2 answers "If you must, let him earn his TV time."
  • guidance counselor in 4 answers "Definitely talk to her guidance counselor, and maybe see about a peer that is doing ..."
  • sliding scale in 2 answers "I certainly understand money concerns - most clinics use a sliding scale fee."