reward charts

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Results 131-140 from 1,493 articles

Potty Training and Holding It for Hours

S.V. asks from Los Angeles

Hello mamas! I started potty training my 3.5 year old son on Monday-5 accidents 1st day, 2 accidents yesterday and so far none today. I am doing the method of wai...


Chores for 5 Yr Old Boy and 8 Yr Old Girl

B. asks from Augusta

I am having difficulty assigning chores for my two kiddos. They are an 8 yr old girl and a 5 yr old boy. I've tried and failed many times to come up with an actua...


Potty Training Trouble

M.R. asks from Dallas

Help! My son refuses to sit on the potty or even stand to use the potty. He's a couple of weeks away from his 3rd birthday and understands the concept. Yesterday, ...


Toddler Refuses to Poop in Toilet....

L.D. asks from Modesto

My almost 4 yr. old son has accomplished potty training regarding pee pee. He absolutely refuses to poop in the potty. He puts on a diaper to poop. He never has an ac...


Allowance or No Allowance?

D.G. asks from Rockford

My husband & I differ in opinion when it comes to allowance or 'incentives' for our daughter. She is almost 5, and I have had a 'reward/star' responsibility chart for...



K.K. asks from Boise

Hi mamas! My 23 month old daughter is starting to show signs of being ready to potty-train, but before I begin that adventure, I want to make sure I have everything ...


How Long Do You Repeat Until They Come to Expect It to Be Repeated 5 Times

V.M. asks from Cleveland

My 8 yo knows we expect him to take his dinner plate to the sink when he is done eating. More times than not he gets up with out doing it. I remind him, once sometim...


3Yr Old Testing Limits HELP!!

B.L. asks from Dallas

OK DS is just over 3yrs old. He has been telling me no & trying to hit me, screaming. Just being a 3yr old. I want to be able to get control over this soon. I know th...


Bedtime Advice

K.H. asks from Detroit

I have a seven (almost 8) year old daughter. She goes down for the night easily after a shower and reading. However, she gets up MANY times for up to the next two h...


Two for One Special!!

T.L. asks from Fresno

ok i have two questions today, thats why its a two for one special =) OK, first off, my daughter is two and we are going to start potty training. i bought some stuf...

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Answer Highlights

  • then cut a hole in the diaper in 2 answers "... and slowly work your way up to sitting on toilet. Then cut a hole in the diaper ..."
  • saved every penny in 2 answers "Our son has saved every penny he gets his hands on (tooth fairy money, gift money ..."
  • control over his body in 2 answers "... I thought he could do it when he is ready and that he has control over his body ..."
  • stick to your guns in 2 answers "... the big-kid way." Don't lecture, and don't be angry, but stick to your guns."
  • while sitting on the toilet in 2 answers "... technique: First get him to poop WITH his diaper on while sitting on the toilet."