My DD is almost 3 (38inches tall and 34lbs) and is still in a 5 point harness convertible car seat. She's approaching the 35lb mark on it and will need a new one. She...
I've been looking at new car seats. Toys R Us/Babies R Us have a lot of them but the reviews seem to more confusing than helpful. How can some LOVE an item so much an...
My 2 1/2 year old son is a little over three feet tall and weighs 43 lbs. He has outgrown his car seat. I am trying to find a safe 5-point harness car seat for a...
We need to get my daughter a new car seat as she has finally reached the weight limit (22 lbs) on her infant carrier. We want safety first, but we also need something...
Ok, so I'm torn and the budget is low. I'm having a baby in about a month, so I'm in the middle of prepping my bag and I also need to choose a baby car seat. There's...
I am going to be purchasing a booster seat for my 4 year old in the next week and I need some help. I have looked and looked and I have decided to go with one of the...
I am ready for the toddler seat 40 pounds to 100 pounds, anyone have good resources for rankings of best seats?
I was really disappointed with consumer reports.
My daughter (will be 4 in Jan) is ready to move from her Britax Marathon into a highback booster with a 5 point harness. Are there any out there that start out with ...
Hi everyone! We have a dilemmea!
We have a rear facing car seat for our daughter and our son is in an Eddie Bauer convertable car seat. The EB convertable is fine f...