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Results 31-40 from 429 articles

The Princess Bride

J.T. asks from New York

This is one of my favorite movies / books. I have been telling from memory the story to my daughter 4 1/2 and she loves it. I am trying my darndest to remember if...


Less than Forthcoming with Information on Animal Rescue Would It "Bother" You?

M.P. asks from Minneapolis

I worked in animal rescue for 7 years. I have since quit and have pursued other things and a family. I have occasionally fostered a dog or cat here and there, and cur...


Help W/ Teen Boundaries

L.F. asks from Norfolk

I have 2 teens, one 15(boy) and the other going on 14(girl...older than classmates, but still in junior high due to fall birthday)My son has liked girls ever since ju...


Leaving Your Kids Alone

J.S. asks from St. Louis

This article popped up on my FB feed. I found it interesting in light of all the parent bashing that goes on these days. The implied question is what do you think a...


How Would You Have Reacted?

J.H. asks from Grand Junction

My family was on vacation last week, visiting my husband's family farm in North Dakota. On Tuesday, my 11 year old daughter and I drove into Bismarck and went to the...


Friend Is Pushing Religion on Me

V.J. asks from Phoenix

My friend, who I have known since first grade, lives in Tucson, but we're frequently in contact through email and every so often we get together when we're in the sam...


Seeking Ways to Increase My Brain Power

C.F. asks from Houston

For as long as I can remember, learning has been a challenge for me. Some of the obvious things I've always struggled with are math, especially word problems, ratios,...


Medicaid Question

A.T. asks from Dallas

I am REALLY freaked out about this so thought I would see if anyone here knew and could put me at ease at all. In Florida if you bring a letter from a pregnancy place...


I'm Out of Ideas for My "Untrained" 6 Year Old

L.M. asks from New York

It's driving me crazy and I give up!!! I'm tired if fighting. My 6 year old still has "accidents". Now I put that in quotes because accidents happen - well - by acci...


Name Anxiety

K.K. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is 6 weeks old and I do not feel comfortable with the name we gave her. It was mainly my husband's choice because we just couldn't agree and at the time...

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Answer Highlights

  • pure bred dog in 3 answers "... a SCWT rescue organization and were matched with an allegedly pure-bred dog ..."
  • by their middle names in 3 answers "More and more people are calling their children by their middle names now days and ..."
  • im a gen xer in 2 answers "I'm a Gen Xer, so I grew up as part of the Latchkey Generation."
  • calling her by her middle name in 2 answers "Otherwise, I like the idea of calling her by her middle name - or coming up with your ..."
  • called her by her middle name in 2 answers "... mother chose her middle name and then they always called her by her middle name."