rash on legs

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Rash on Breasts

L.N. asks from Phoenix

I am currently 38 weeks pregnant. About 3 weeks ago my breasts started to get really itchy. It started slowly over a few days and then it was unbearable. It was li...


Pregnant with Rash...

L.M. asks from Kansas City

Hi my name is L. and I just found out on Thanksgiving that I am pregnant with my thrid child. About two weeks ago I got this bite like thing on my arm that itched and...


Fever/ Rash

M.L. asks from Tampa

Hi moms, My 19 month daughter started with a fever of 101.5-102 on Saturday (her highest fever yet!) and I took her to the doctor because I thought it was from 2 bug...


Toddler with Rash

L.J. asks from Portland

My 2 year old has had small bumps on his side from his arm down to his diaper. It's about 2 inches wide all the way down. It is mostly the color of his skin and som...


Skin Rash

E.D. asks from Los Angeles

my six month has a rash almost over his entire body and heavier red blotchy patches in concentrated areas. i have sensitive skin so the poor guy has my genes! i start...


Mysterious Rash

J.D. asks from Nashville

My baby is now 5 months old hes been a formula baby since he was three weeks and i've always used tap water unboiled for his bottles. About a week ago he began to bre...


Rash on Face

V.J. asks from Portland

My 20 month old has always had sensitive skin, and a few patches of Eczema here and there. About a month ago she developed a small rash on her cheek, near the corner...


Itchy Legs

B.F. asks from Detroit

I have very itchy thighs. Has anyone else had this problem? Do you know what it could be?


Need Help with Mistery Bumps/rash on Son's Legs!

T.W. asks from Topeka

My 9 mo. old son devolped a rash about a week ago. I was nervous about it and went to the doctor. She said that rashes are hard to decipher. She could only tell me wh...


Arms and Legs Pain in 6 Yr. Old

J.S. asks from Atlanta

My 6 yr old has been complaining of both arms hurting for weeks. Now she is complaining of one arm hurting along with her legs. Pediatrician finds nothing wrong at t...

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Answer Highlights

  • does sound a bit like eczema in 2 answers "It sounds like the rash needs to be diagnosed. It does sound a bit like eczema, but ..."
  • sounds like roseola in 7 answers "Sounds like Roseola, which is very common and not serious."
  • then followed by a rash in 2 answers "... infection that causes a fever and cold like symptoms then followed by a rash."
  • sounds like a food allergy in 2 answers "It sounds like a food allergy to me. My neices and nephews have had similar problems ..."
  • contagious once the rash in 2 answers "... fever breaks, they develop a rash, She is no longer contagious once the rash ..."