
Related Questions & Answers

Results 191-200 from 269 articles

Do You Let Your Teenager Stay up Later During the Summer School Break?

K.D. asks from Raleigh

For those of you who have high school age teenagers and are on the traditional school year, do you let your child stay up later during the summer break? If you do,...


Caffeine to Treat Adhd?

T.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, My daughter is 11 and has adhd. We made it through 5th grade without using meds but she's starting middle school in the fall and I'm concerned about how we...


Playgrounds Make Me So Nervous!

A.S. asks from Miami

When my two 1/2 year old DD gets all the way up to the top, and there are those open spaces where they can so easily fall, i feel like im going to lose my stomach. I ...



S.B. asks from San Francisco

Have any of you ever filed bankruptcy, or considered it? If so, I am looking for opinions. My husband is self employed. He is a general contractor. He has had seve...


Affording It All

J.V. asks from Chicago

It's that time of year when I do our 5 year financial plan, take a look at our long term financial health, and figure out our current priorities. Well, I just did ...


Weaning Help

T.C. asks from Chicago

Hey Ladies: Well we are really close to being done bf. The only one left is at 2 am EVERYDAY! My son is 13 months old and still not sleeping all night. I am at a l...


Hubby Thinks 2Nd Job Is Worthless, Behind on Mortgage and Bills.

D.D. asks from Denver

My husband works a 4 10 hour schedule and off on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I work 5 8 hour shifts off on Saturday and Sunday. We had 2 boys and added a unplanned b...


Have You Ever Left Your Kid(s) in the Car When You Run Back into Your House?

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

I saw the question on here regarding leaving your child in the car while running into the gas station and think the poster was brave to put her thoughts out there. I...


Don't Appreciate Condescending Nurses!

K.W. asks from Cleveland

hello again everyone, i have often been called a hypochondriac and a worry wort...overprotective mother, blah blah blah....well, my son luke is 18 months old, and ye...


Our Landlord Is in foreclosure..need Advice!

T.J. asks from Seattle

So after our landlord first tried to sell our rental house, we received notice that he is in foreclosure! The house will be sold on 9/11/2009 if he does not "catch up...

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