I LOVE listening to little kids talk. Their attempts at language are so charming, and often funny. Instead of "good," my grandson said "dood" when he was learning to ...
My 3 year old is very smart, she can count to 20 all alone and up to 50 with help. Knows her ABC both English and Spanish. Knows the letter sounds of most of the alph...
Hi I was just wondering what type of 'mommy and me' classes there are out there, I want to promote more language activities to my super physically active son. I belo...
My son is 15 months and really only has mama and dada in his vocabulary. He has his own words for things, but they're not the exact pronunciation. Should I be worried?
My daughter is good friends with another child her age. This child's mother has a very unusual name. I remember clearly asking her for the pronunciation but apparen...
Before describing the problem, a brief history. DS was a late talker, not a word until he was 3. But he began speaking with no problem. No pronunciation problema, v...
Would you be upset if someone corrected your pronunciation or grammar? The correction was one-on-one, not in front of anyone else.
No, it was not me involved, but...
Hi ladies! My son is nearly three and has known how to count to 20 for quite a while. For some reason, he usually either skips 13 and 14 or he slurs the pronunciati...
At what age could your child answer the question "what is your name?" and "how old are you?"? My 2 year old can't do either and I'm wondering if this is normal. I j...
My daughter who is two and a half has always been very selective in her words. She has always talked very well for her age. Her pronunciation has been wonderful. Just...