My niece turned three in July and she still doesn't talk. She can say a very limited number of words but uses pointing, babbling and crying as her main forms of comm...
If any of you moms wanna ask our opinion on a name that is "unique" be prepared!!!! (I'm saying this not because of me, but some moms can be NASTY. That isn't my i...
My 26 mth old son still does not say his name at all? I was just wondering at won't point would it be worrisome if at all? What age did all your little guys say their...
My son turned three yesterday. He speaks no words. In other ways besides speech communication he is typical, for the most part. The concensus from his pedetrition ...
34 month boy and he is NOT talking! Babbling like crazy though. The ONLY words he does say is 'Go!, NO!, ar (for car), ah-ey (daddy), food, ah-aw (Mamaw), ock (bloc...
my daughter is 2 and a half, I have always noticed some issues with her speech. she has been pretty advanced in almost everything else including talking. She talks up...
At my daugher's 2 yr checkup the pediatrician referred her to early intervention for speech because she hardly talks, she can say maybe ten words like baby, juice, mo...
Hi Moms, I am hoping someone out here has a similar situation and can help. My 7 year old daughter is having problem following directions at school and at home. Every...
My son, Michael, is 17 months old. Now I know that talking can happen on a wide range age scale, but I'm still a little worried. He has about 15 words in his vocabu...
My son is 21 months old and still hardly talk at all. I have heard him say about 15 different words and thats it and he hardly ever says those even. I know he un...