preterm labor delivery

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Stopping Labor at 35 Weeks & 5 Days..

C.C. asks from Eau Claire

I went to the hospital last night having contractions every 2 minutes and have been dilated 3 cm for almost a week. I have a history of early labor (3&4 weeks early) ...


Need Help Naturally Inducing Labor

H.C. asks from Salt Lake City

Hey mommies, im 4 days over my due date and im looking for natural ways to induce labor im scheduled for an induction on thursday but im hoping to naturally go into l...


A Friend Was Induced to Go into Labor Days Ago

S.H. asks from Santa Barbara

A friend of mine had a due date of Aug 7th. She has (or had) high blood pressure. She was induced early Aug 8th to go into labor. She has been at the hospital ever si...


Pretetm Labor

D.G. asks from Jacksonville

Well i'm 28 wks and i went into the ER at 2am because i'd felt like i was having contractions four 2 1/2 hours. Come to find out I had stared dialating so i was given...


Inducement of Labor

M.S. asks from Chicago

My doctor reccomended inducment at 39 weeks, just because of the convinience (I can plan it out, no suprises). This is my 2nd pregnancy, and it is normal. With my fi...


Inducing Labor

D.A. asks from San Francisco

I really do not want to be induced. Is it totally my choice? What if my doctor pressures me about it?


Piggy Back Question: How Long Were You in Labor for Your Second Time...

E.D. asks from Seattle

Total curiosity: I'm wondering, how long were you in labor your first labor. And your second? Was your second shorter or longer than your first? :-) (My firs...


Inducing Labor

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

Hi I am 36 almost 37 weeks pregnant, I have found out through an ultrasound as well as my husbands family history that If I go full term(40 weeks) then my baby will b...


Controversy over Regular Delivery VS. C-sections

K.E. asks from Dallas

I'm 33 weeks pregnant and people I know, friends, and some family have been telling me that having a c-section is "the way to go". Why is this? It just seems like hav...


Pre-Labor @ 26 Weeks

E.C. asks from Phoenix

So I am 26 weeks preg and on July 4th I went to the hospital because I hadn't felt the baby ALL day. It was to my surprise when the nurse said I was having contractio...

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