pregnant while breast feeding

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Breast Feeding Twins

S.T. asks from Chicago

My girlfriend is pregnant for the first time and just found out she is having twins. She is really freaked out by this prospect so I was hopeing that maybe I could h...


Breast Feeding & Period

K.M. asks from Norfolk

My daughter just turned 3 months yesterday and today I got my period even though I'm exclusively breast feeding. With my other daughter I got my period after just 6 ...


Post- Breast Feeding

J.G. asks from Washington DC

I breast fed my daughter until she was 18 months old ( I was the one who wanted to stop). Now she still needs my breast to fall asleep and she will not fall asleep un...


GABA Nutrition Supplement Is This Okay with Breast Feeding?

B.T. asks from Seattle

I have a child that was born 10 weeks pre-mature and things have been pretty tough. To take the edge off a friend recommended taking GABA a vitamin supplement that is...


Breast Feeding and When the Monthly Fun Starts Again Lol

J.C. asks from Scranton

Good morning mamas! I just had my 3rd son he is 6 months now and like my other boys I am breast feeding him on demand. With my first two sons my period returned aroun...


Desperatly Need Breast Feeding Help

S.H. asks from Phoenix

I am a new mother of a 15 day old little girl, Grace. She and I have never quite mastered the latch on, but with the assistance of a nipple shield we have been doing...


Breast Feeding to Sleep -- What Happens Next?

H.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi there, My daughter is breastfed to sleep at bedtime and naptime. It's been working well for us but she's almost 15 months and I assume she will wean herself one...


Breast Feeding Questions....

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hello fellow Moms! I am back at work and have been pumping for about 2 weeks now. Today my milk supply was especially low. Usually I was pumping 4 ounces (2 from e...


Seeking Information on Breast Feeding

S.C. asks from Chicago

I am due in Nov with my first child. I plan on breastfeeding, however I know I have to go back to work unfortunatly so I plan on pumping and also bottle feeding (Lett...


The Breast Feeding Baby doll....what Is Your Opinion on It?

A.G. asks from Houston

Its all over the news. A baby doll that makes suckling noises and moves its little plastic mouth when its pressed onto a flower patch onto a little vest that the owne...

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