pregnant month after miscarriage

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Results 141-150 from 2,549 articles

Could I Be Pregnant?

L.G. asks from Jacksonville

So, my husband and I had sex and were both well aware that pregnancy was a possibility which was fine with both of us. I was convinced that I was so I took hpt which ...


Fearful of Another Miscarriage

B.B. asks from San Francisco

i had a miscarriage last year in november at 9 weeks. it was the second miscarriage i had that year. the first one i couldn't have been more than 2 weeks pregnant, a...


Could I Be Pregnant?

S.G. asks from Waterloo

My cycle is normally about 28 days, but I've never been real regular. I went through a period of about a year when I didn't get a period at all because of the birth ...


Seeking Moms Who Have Experienced Miscarriage

A.B. asks from Albuquerque

Hi Moms, I recently had a miscarriage (Last week)and I am devastated. This would of been my second child (my 1st is Ruby and she is 11 months old). I am dealing with...


Pregnant Again!

K.L. asks from St. Louis

Hello! I just found out yesterday that I'm pregnant. My husband and I have a wonderful loving little boy who will be eight months on Sunday; so as you can imagine,...


2 Miscarriage and Testing

A.K. asks from Dallas

Hello Fellow Mama’s I would like to ask a question to get some helpful advice from you all. First, I’m 34 yrs old, have 9 yr old daughter who keeps me busy, bei...


Pregnant or Not?

K.G. asks from Pocatello

Well, my husband and I have been trying for another baby for about 5 months now, and every month I've thought I was pregnant, just to be dissapointed. I was calculati...


Major Mood Swings After Miscarriage

J.A. asks from San Francisco

I just have a few questions for you mom's out there who have had similar situations or a miscarriage. First, I guess I need to tell a little about my situation. I h...


Miscarriage, Memorial Gift

T. asks from Allentown

I wanted to know how you all feel about the idea of giving a memorial gift to a friend that just had a miscarriage. I was thinking of a silver cross with the baby's i...


Hcg Levels After Miscarriage?

P.A. asks from Los Angeles

I had to have a D&C to end a miscarriage Febuary 4th. I have had a 3 day period of bleeding and then two weeks later a "normal" period. We haven't started trying ye...

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