I went to my obgyn for a different health issue, but just to humor my doctor, she asked me to get a pregnancy test. The test came back with a dark line and a faint l...
I am pregnant with my first baby and due in April. I have suffered from depression for many years and therefor have been taking medication for it. The medication ...
Hi...I've never had a migraine before and after 3 days of complete suffering I went to my doctors yesterday and they said I am having a really bad migraine. They sai...
Hi Ladies-
I am pregnant with my second child. I am about 8-9 weeks pregnant and have broken out pretty bad around my chin and cheek area. It is more of cystic acn...
Here's a little history before I ask my question. After having two beautiful, healthy children, I had 3 miscarriages, between September 2010 and August 2011. My doc...
Hi. Does anyone have a prenatal vitamin that they love/doesn't make them feel sick? And has anyone done any research on taking a flax seed oil supplement(for the ome...
I have been terrible at taking my prenatals, I don't feel well after taking them. With my daughter I lasted about 6 weeks and stopped. I had a second and third pre...
Anyone have any good prenatals that they swear by? I have tried a few and really can't find the one that is good for me. I tried a natural one first but couldn't keep...
I am about 6weeks pregnant & my doctor gave me neevodha are those ok to mix with advair & singilar, i have asthma. My doctor is on vacation until next week Anyone help?