pregnacy trimester

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Results 31-40 from 225 articles

Pregnancy Weight Gain Fear

J.L. asks from Portland

I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant with my second. I can finally admit it to myself that I have a fear of weight gain even during pregnancy. I know I shouldn't feel this...


Should I Even Bother Telling Family I'm Pregnate?

R.M. asks from Mansfield

I hv a 4 yr old daughter & am 5 months along with num.2 I'm excited and want this child. But the deal i have is my family will cause so much stress and drama when th...


Taking Wellbutrin/Bupropion or Zoloft While Pregnant?

C.D. asks from Detroit

Okay... So recently I've been thinking about a myriad of things - financial issues, pregnancy concerns, my husband considering a job change, my firstborn entering ...


Pain in the Back

R.T. asks from Dallas

I had a little boy 5 months ago. Ever since about the 3rd trimester I have had a lot of back pain. I expected that while I was pregnant because of all the weight in m...


Miscarriage and D&C, Scared and Nervous

V.P. asks from Rapid City

I took a home test on July 5 and it was positive. On July 18th I started spotting nothing really heavy, (like a light period) went in on Monday for a u/s, my doctor t...


Weight Gain with Pregnancy #2

A. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, Im 18 weeks pregnant with #2 and am finally getting out of a difficult first trimester. Im being careful about what and how much I eat and am getting s...


Is It Possible to Leak Amniotic Fluid Started at 30 Weeks?

L.M. asks from Spartanburg

This could potentially be an embarressing question because this could mean I'm possibly peeing on myself! ;-) (I'd rather be embarrassed than concerned though) I'm 30...


Should I Have an Amniocentesis??

I.M. asks from Los Angeles

I am 37 years old and just went through my 2nd trimester screening. Although my numbers came back "negative" and I tested out 1 in 400 for my chance of Down Syndrome,...


Speaking of How Old You Are...

L.. asks from Roanoke

What age did you have your babies? This may sound a little weird, but lately I've been feeling like I'm "behind" in having kids. I'm 26, and my husband is 29. I ...


Ever Have "Bacterial Vaginosis"?

R.B. asks from La Crosse

This is my 5th pregnancy (4th live baby, one tubal) I have been having severe cramping from the begining. At 5 weeks along I had an ultrasound and they found that the...

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Answer Highlights

  • nuchal thickness screening in 2 answers "... amnio and CVS). He recommended we get the nuchal thickness screening ..."
  • leaking amniotic fluid in 5 answers "I do know someone who was leaking amniotic fluid, thought it was pee, but it wasn't ..."
  • urine or amniotic fluid in 2 answers "They have this strip they can use to tell whether it is urine or amniotic fluid."
  • your amniotic fluid in 3 answers "Granted, your amniotic fluid does replace itself, but my friend got severely dehydrated ..."
  • definately call your doctor in 2 answers "... yourself (not trying to be funny but it happens)....DEFINATELY call your doctor."