pregnacy trimester

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J.W. asks from Grand Rapids

Well I am about seven and a half months pregant with our second child and I have never had such bad heart burn. I was just wondering if there is anything stronger tha...


Sciatica and Pregnancy

J.S. asks from Omaha

I am 28 weeks pregnant and have been suffering with sciatic pain for about the last 2 months. I have been doing physical therapy and recently started with a chiropra...


How Many Prenatal Appts Did Your Husband Attend?

D.C. asks from Dallas

Did your husband (or other support person) go to all your prenatal appointments or just sono visits? Just curious. Thanks Mommas!!


Migraines While Pregnant

S.J. asks from Milwaukee

With my first child, I had absolutely no headaches, which was a wonderful relief. I'm now 31 weeks pregnant with my second child and have had five migraines in just ...


Gall Bladder Issues

A.D. asks from Sacramento

Hello, First of all I have never heard of gall bladder problems in relation to pregnancy until I have started having problems. Upon reading this sight I have learne...


Understanding symptoms...again

J.S. asks from Springfield

I am needing some help figuring out what is going on with me. This is my fifth pregnancy (I lost one baby last year and have 3 other children), so you would think tha...


Urgent Seeking Woman Who Have Had a Miscarriage

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

I have taken three pregnancy tests two were positve and one was negative, in that order a week apart. I have starting cramping since Sat and I just started to bleed a...


Fear of Creating Bad Habits in One Month Old Through Bad Parenting! HELP!

A.S. asks from Wilmington

I have never asked a question on any sort of forum, but would love to hear what experienced, or NEW :) mothers have to say about the subject of feeling unsure of my p...


Measuring Small at 22 Weeks

S.K. asks from Chicago

Hi Mamas! I am 22 weeks pregnant and just had a doctor appointment yesterday. Ofcourse, I have my questions now, after leaving, and instead of calling the office th...


Am I Pregnant?

A.S. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi there, I am writing for some advice from other women who have struggled getting pregnant. My hubby and I have been trying for about 8 month now, and still nothing...

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