pre algebra

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Results 191-200 from 215 articles

Seeking Advice for 14 Year Old Unmotivated Boy

D.H. asks from Los Angeles

My 14 year old is seriosly unmotivated. This is his first year of high school and the first time he has brought home D's and F's. One each on every report card. Th...


Speaking of Red-shirting! What to Do Now, If I Feel I May Have Made a Mistake!

B.C. asks from Sacramento

So I see several posts on red shirting lately! Which is exactly my issue and why I wanted to post on my current dilemma and give my two cents! I have had a few othe...


How Much of Your Child's Education Happens at Home?

E.D. asks from Seattle

Hi All, This question is for those of you with young kids in the public school system. How much of your child's education do you feel responsible for providing?...


Son and College Plans Are Scaring Me!

L.J. asks from Birmingham

Our son is a 17 yr. old rising high school senior and is so very talented and smart (all honors and AP classes). Tonight he dropped a bomb shell on me just at the ti...


Home School Advice

N.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, I'm seeking advise from those of you who are or have ever home schooled. I have been praying about taking my boys out of the public school system to hom...


GATE Student with a Learning Disability?

R.T. asks from Los Angeles

I have a sixth-grade daughter who is currently enrolled in Honors classes due to being assessed with a high level of intelligence in both Language Arts and Math by he...


Your Baby Can Read

W.N. asks from Seattle

Has anyone tried "Your baby can read"? We can't decide about it. We are trying not to have our daughter watch tv in general but are intrigued with the learning pote...


Needing Daily Words of ENCOURAGEMENT!!!!

A.P. asks from Beaumont

Seeking encourage from a person who knows what it feel like to go to College at age 45 after 30 years.


How to Respond to People Commenting on Pregnancy Weight?

M.M. asks from Orlando

I'm writing to see if any of you have any suggestions on how to handle situations where people are regularly telling me how big I look pregnant. I'm 7 months pregnan...


Common Core

M.H. asks from Dallas

My daughter is in Kindergarten and we live in Texas, where Common Core has been resisted but is making it's way into the classrooms nonetheless. I have googled and se...

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Answer Highlights

  • good cop bad cop in 5 answers "There should never be a good cop/bad cop routine with parents."
  • memorization of math facts in 2 answers "For sure it is lacking in memorization of math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication ..."
  • good head on his shoulders in 3 answers "He sounds like he's mature and has a good head on his shoulders."
  • should repeat first grade in 2 answers "... of the school, if the teachers feel your daughter should repeat first grade ..."
  • common core math in 2 answers "My daughter is in private school where they adopted common core math 4 years ago."