pre algebra

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Results 91-100 from 215 articles

Frustrated with How Science Is Being Taught in school.....what Do You Think?

S.L. asks from Green Bay

Hello, I love asking all of you questions because of the wonderful, diverse responses from all over the country. My husband and I were quite disappointed to fin...


Going Back to College

L.M. asks from Tucson

I apologize ahead of time. This is a really long queston. Im 29yrs old. I am married with two young girls. Ages 6 and 3. I work full time, or i should now say w...


How Would You feel....What Would You Do???

C.R. asks from Kansas City

When my daughter was in first grade she was reading on a 6th grade level. She is now in third grade and is reading on a 5th grade level. Is the school not challenging...


At What Grade Do You Stop Helping with Homework?

M.C. asks from Detroit

I know when kids are in the early elementary years, parents help out just to teach the child about the responsibility of doing homework and the homework is easy, so n...



A.L. asks from Seattle

Hi. My daughter has always been a good student, getting 3s and 4s in her private school. Last year she moved to a public junior high, and shes an 8th grade now. She h...


Just Curious - When Was Your Child Able to Do a Jigsaw Puzzle?

K.U. asks from Detroit

I don't mean anything big or complicated (like, 500 or 1000 pieces)...I mean, the simple starter ones that are like 24 pieces. We have one that my 3.5 year old DD wa...


What Is Your Child Doing in Kindergarden??

L.O. asks from Detroit

Just wondering what is going on in the kindergardens of hte world. I am amazed at how slow our kindergarden is going. they discuss one letter per day.. I thought...


Falling Asleep on Her Own in Her Bed

C.L. asks from Tucson

How can I get my almost 3 year old to fall asleep on her own at night time. I put her in her bed at nap time and she goes to sleep with no problems, but at night she...


Take My Son Out of Jr. Kindergarten or Not?

L.D. asks from Los Angeles

My son is in a private Jr. Kindergarten. He turned 5 a couple of months ago. Since it’s a private school tuition is costly. He just took a Kindergarten readines...


Duke Talent Search 7Th Grade

V.W. asks from Jacksonville

My 7th grader brought home an "invitation" to register for and take either the ACT or SAT test this year, after being "identified" by his high standardized test score...

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