Can anyone recommend which bike to buy with training wheels for my girl who is now 3 years 7 months but a bike that has sturdy wheels and built well. Thanks.
I have a 16 year old stepdaughter who lives with me and my husband (her father). She never seems to listen when my husband and I tell her not to do something that i...
I started trying to potty-train my little girl back in April. She did really well for a while, but once she hit 2, she pretty much stopped going. She always tells m...
My 19 yr old son John has is girl friend pregnant. She has not finishes high school, is not working and has no dreams at all. He is attending college and working, he ...
My daughter is having her 5th birthday on Saturday. She wants a Cheetah Girls cake but no one has it. Has anyone made one before or have ideas to make one? I would...
Anyone else go thru this? I started introducing the potty after my lo got a potty last christmas. We had another little girl in April so i waited until we settled i...
My daughter (she will be 2 in April). always wants her Daddy! I mean always! If we are in any store, she doesn't even want me to push the buggy. She goes to him for ...
Hi. I am pregnant with my third daughter. Our girls are named Paige & Paityn, we would kind of like another P name, but can't seem to find any that we are in love w...
Any out of the box ideas? I have one thing that is kinda working, but the problem is that it works for a week then when you ask if she needs a time out she says yes t...
My daughter is 20 months old and I have started weaning her. I know, I know...She's a little old but she has shown no signs of wanting to wean so, I decided to just d...