power girl

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Results 101-110 from 8,409 articles

Junior Girl scouts...how Much Dues If We Don't Sell Cookies

K.B. asks from Tulsa

Does anyone skip cookies and charge dues? I was thinking $100 per girl troop dues which would cover all badges and awards plus the basic field trips. 35cents per bo...


My Girl Scout Co-Leader and I Do Not Get Along

M.W. asks from San Diego

I am a 2nd-year girl scout leader to a Daisy troop. I have 3 co-leaders, whom I worked well with for the first year. We were in sync, the girls had fun, we had ever...


Best Video Game System for 5 Year Old Girl?

C.G. asks from Nashville

Hello everyone, I am wondering if you can help! We are considering getting some kind of video game system for Christmas for our just-turned-5 year old girl. She is...


Almost 4 Year Old Girl Holding Her Bm's In

J.P. asks from Syracuse

I watch an almost 4 year old potty trained little girl whose parents both work as teachers. She will hold her Bm's in for a week and half at a time. She is not consti...


Very Very High-strung 2 1/2 Yr Old Girl

P.L. asks from Richmond

My daughter will be 2 1/2 next week. She is totally ready for potty training, but refuses to use the potty, so I'm backing off and will let her take the lead. However...


3 1/2 Yr Old Girl Not Potty Trained

P.L. asks from Richmond

I have a bona fide highly sensitive child. For those who aren't familiar with the term, it's based on a ton of research, and a book by Elaine Aron. My daughter has al...


Son Has Met Girl Online and Wants to Go Live with Her

K.D. asks from Raleigh

My 21 year old highly functional autistic son has a girlfriend that he met online recently. They skype for hours on his laptop everyday. This isn't catfishing, becaus...


My Good Friend Just Lost Her Baby Girl. What Can I Say to Comfort Her?

K.I. asks from Indianapolis

A good friend is having a funeral for her baby girl today. She stopped feeling the baby move and they couldn't find a heartbeat. My heart is just breaking for her. ...


Jff-do You Mama's Believe in the If You Get Chunky When Preggo Its a Girl?

A.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hey mama's. There are so many rumors out there about if you get chunky all over and not too sick its a girl, if you are super sick its a boy, If you are all belly...


Why My 3 1/2 Year Old Son Likes to Wear Girl Clothes

S.M. asks from San Francisco

My 3 year old son loves to dress in girl clothes ( mine included). It all started when he was around 1 1/2 because of his fascination with his girl cousin. He just ad...

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Answer Highlights

  • wii sports that comes with the system in 2 answers "And believe it or not, the Wii Sports that comes with the system is lots of fun and ..."
  • high strung nature in 2 answers "... run in families and could be at the root of your husband,s high strung nature."
  • never had morning sickness in 2 answers "I'm still chunky 20 months later!!! I never had morning sickness with any of them."
  • leap frog in 8 answers "I have to say anything from the Leap Frog company is wonderful."
  • love him no matter in 4 answers "Good Luck! Just love him no matter what."