potty training how long

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Potty Training

J.B. asks from Omaha

I have a soon to be 3yr od son. I'm having trouble potty training him. He is my first child and I'm just not sure how I should go about potty training him. He know...


Potty Training

N.W. asks from Salt Lake City

I was thinking about trying to start potty training my daughter at 18 months, but people think I am absolutely crazy and that I should just wait until she is 3 and th...


Potty Training

M.M. asks from Honolulu

i need advice potty training tips. My 2year 4month old girl is somewhat hesitant to be potty trained. We succeeded once and then she went back to not wanting to potty...


Potty Training

C.E. asks from Cincinnati

Hi Moms, I was looking for information on this site, and couldn't find what I need so decided to ask you moms out there about Potty Training. My daughter is 19 m...


Potty Training

L.E. asks from Honolulu

My almost 3 year old has been actively potty training for about a month and was doing really well, but now is having a lot of accidents, but sometimes I think that sh...


Potty Training????

B.V. asks from Dallas

My daughter is 28 months old and shows plenty of signs of being ready to potty training. Stays dry for 2 hours, awakes from naps dry and if i get upstairs right as sh...


Potty Training

C.C. asks from Sacramento

I am currently potty training my 2 year 3 month old daughter (with no success) and would like to know if other moms have had more success potty training at a later ag...


Potty Training.

M.K. asks from Janesville-Beloit

I have been potty training my almost 3 1/2 year old daughter since she was 2, and still no luck. She sometimes goes pee and never goes poop in the potty. She does kno...


Potty Training

T.L. asks from New York

Hello, I am writing to see if anyone can give me advise on potty training. I am the mother of a beautiful 2 1/2 year old son and I am concern because he will be 3 in ...


Potty Training

J.D. asks from Cincinnati

We've been potty training our 2 yr (almost 3) for a little over a month. She is consistant about using the potty for tinkle and wakes up dry in the mornings! But ...

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Answer Highlights

  • give him lots of praise in 2 answers "set him on the potty and if he goes give him lots of praise, treats work well to."
  • 3 day potty training in 2 answers "I also did the 3 day potty training with Lori Jensen and it worked!"
  • peed his pants in 2 answers "... big boy underwear and never let him wear a diaper again lmao he peed his pants ..."
  • make a big deal in 3 answers "When she does finally go make a big deal about how proud you are and how big she is."
  • big boy underwear in 2 answers "... it and the way i ended up doing it is i just bought him big boy underwear ..."