pneumonia symptoms

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Results 141-150 from 1,274 articles

High Fever and Nothing Else

G.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hi moms so for the past 36 hours my 13 month old has been running a fever that has ranged from 101.5 to 103.7. she is maybe a little crabby and wants her mom a bi...


Does Your Kids Dr. Do This?

J.P. asks from Chicago

My daughter (almost 4) has had a cough for over 2 weeks, mostly at night and in the morning. Seems to be caused by post nasal drip. She sleeps w/ a vaporizer in her...


Asthma Question

K.B. asks from Portland

My 2 1/2 year old daughter, who had never had any significant respiratory issues before except a few colds and coughs, was diagnosed wtih a low-grade pneumonia and pr...


What Am I Sick With?

T.L. asks from St. Louis

I woke up at 5 am this morning feeling like I was going to be sick. Now while at work, I have pain in between my shoulder blades, pain at then end of my sternum, wit...


Help, My Daughter Has Had a Fever off and on for Almost a Week!

R.A. asks from Lubbock

Last Saturday my 6yr old daughter got a fever, no other symptoms. I gave her children's went away, and that was it. She didn't really have any problems ...


Trying to Avoid Having Feeding Tube in Daughter

J.A. asks from New York

My daughter is 26 months and underweight -- she was a preemie born at 2lbs -- and doctors are concerned that if she does not catch-up soon she will be affected for li...


How Long Before I Should Take My Baby to the Doctor for a Cough?

A.F. asks from Salt Lake City

I have 4 kids aged 3 1/2 and under, and they have all had little colds with coughs recently. My 6 month old girl's cough is still hanging on after about 3 weeks. It...


Treatment for Allergies and Mild Asthma

T.L. asks from Rochester

Hello Everyone. I really need some advice on what to do for my 6 year old son. First a little background: he was born with severe acid reflux and was on Zantac syru...


JFP- (Just for Phlegm) - Who Else Is Sick Right Now?

R.J. asks from Seattle

Phlegm Phlegm Phlegm.... coughity cough! Okay who else is sick right now? This is day 10 of one of the nastiest colds I've ever had. Exploding head, darn near p...


My Son Is 13 and Has Been Running a Fever for the past 3 Days

T.C. asks from Chicago

he has been running a fever since Friday with no other symptoms. it sticks in the 101.4 area. I have been giving him ibuprophen to keep it down but not sure if I shou...

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