Hello all,
I'm 33 weeks pregnant and have a full placenta previa. This is my 3 baby, 1st c-section. I have schedualed c-section for May 8th... I'm cool with that...
I have had a problematic right ovary since I was a teen. I now have a cyst the size of a large grapefruit that's been living on my ovary for almost 2 years that is c...
I had my 20-week ultrasound last week on baby #2, and they found a marginal placenta previa (currently located near the area of my previous c-section scar) and told m...
With my first child I had a perineal tear that was a third (almost fourth) degree laceration. I also had placenta accreta (my placenta had an abnormally deep attachme...
I have had 4 periods inside of 2 months. I have been to my doctor and they tested my hormones. She did a lab write-up stating menopausal symptoms, but everything cam...
Greetings Everyone,
Just wanted to seek some feedback from those moms that have gone through this procedure. I am 30 years old and found out yesterday that I hav...
I had a cervical hemorrhage with my second baby. It was a trumatic experience and I had to get 2 full blood transfusions because I went from a 10 to a 4.2 blood level...
hello ladies again I have my 3 yr old and had him by c-section and now pregnant with second and planning on haveing another c-section. But I was told you have to stop...
My hubby and I are talking about trying for baby #3 some time this year. I had c-sections with both of my kids (one by force and one voluntary)and we are both concern...
Just wondered your opinion. I had my first child vaginally with no problems. 2 hours of labor and full term. Anyway, I have antibodies against the baby's platelets...