pizza sauce

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Results 81-90 from 2,745 articles

Meatball Question

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Hi mamas! I have about half a bag of previously frozen meatballs (they are cooked) that have been sitting in my fridge since Sunday. Two questions - 1. How long a...


Hot Lunch Ideas for School

A.S. asks from Chicago

I have been spoiled by hot lunches at my childrens' daycare, but now my daughter has entered Kindergarten at a new school where I make her lunches. The school provid...


17 Month Old with Possible Tomato Allergy??

S.M. asks from Minneapolis

Everytime we feed our little girl pasta with sauce or most anything with Tomato's in it her chin gets very red and rashy. I did some research on the Internet and foun...


Disgusting (Yet Delicious) Food Combos

C.J. asks from Milwaukee

My sisters and I eat some weird stuff and our kids now are taking after us. Apparently apple sauce and cottage cheese is the RAGE at my sister's house. Cottage cheese...


Seeking Kid Friendly Recipes.

H.P. asks from Chicago

I am cooking a dinner for a family who recently lost their husband/father. They are family with small children and have requested kid friendly foods. Their examples...


Jff-what Is Your Idea of Cooking?

T.L. asks from Detroit

I like to cook things from the box like Rice-A-Roni, Mac-N-Cheese, etc. I don't make my own gravy. It's from a packet or in a jar, same goes for spaghetti sauce. ...


What's for Dinner?

J.G. asks from Chicago

I'm making a menu plan and I feel stumped. what are you eating in your home this week? We're doing lots of left overs, sandwiches tonight, ribs tomorrow. One night...


When Your Happy, What Do You like to Cook for Your Family?

D.F. asks from Boston

I am really happy today so I made sauce and meatballs, sausages,lasagna to folllow when its all done.. I have Italian bread and salad also. It just makes me happy to ...


Lunch Ideas

L.V. asks from Minneapolis

My son started a new daycare this week and I will be providing his lunch. I've sent the basic; PB&J sandwich, fruit/apple sauce, carrots and crackers, with him. I f...


Picky Eater

I.E. asks from New York

My son is 2 and a half and is such a picky eater. His main food of choice is a yogurt drink. He would only have that if I let him. He also will eat chicken nugests...

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Answer Highlights

  • fries dipped in a chocolate shake in 2 answers "... and a dollop of syrup... Weird!!! Added: fries dipped in a chocolate shake ..."
  • cook almost everything from scratch in 2 answers "I cook almost everything from scratch! My son actually said tonight during dinner ..."
  • salty french fries in 2 answers "... cheese...(just decided to have that for lunch today!) Hot, salty french fries ..."
  • pan fried fish in 2 answers "... roast chicken with saffron rice/mac and cheese/mashed potatoes; pan fried fish ..."
  • pour over meatballs in 2 answers "In medium bowl, combine remaining ingredients & then pour over meatballs & veggies ..."