physically challenged kid

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Results 51-60 from 348 articles

Advise from Moms with Special Needs Children.

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

I should start my post with a brief statement about my daughter. She is mildly special needs. Developmentally and socially "off". The best way to describe her is quir...


Early Kindergarten-to Send or Not to Send?

B.B. asks from Missoula

I have a four year-old son with a November birthday, he turned four last week. He had a checkup with his pediatrician today and she mentioned that she thought he wou...


Kindergarten Cut-Off Date-Appeal for Early Entry or Not

E.F. asks from Louisville

My 3 1/2 year old son is very bright and loves to learn. His daycare has him in the 2 year old room and plans to move him into the 3 year old room five weeks before h...


Is There Something Other than Meds That Will Help My ADHD Child?

S.A. asks from Stockton

My son started kindergarten this year, and before meeting with his kindergarten teacher yesterday...I too have always wondered if my son was ADHD. Sure enough his ki...


Hyper 4 Year Old

E.M. asks from Louisville

i have an extremely hyper 4 year old who honestly makes me batty at times. for months my mom has just said oh shes just 4. well she stayed over night last night now m...


I Think My 7 Year Old Is Spoiled Rotten!

A.F. asks from Dallas

We are a normal middle class family, nothing fancy. For some reason my child has it in her head that she does not have enough. She is constantly complaining about eve...


To Speak or Not to Speak, That Is the Question...

N.B. asks from Austin

My daughter is about to turn three. She has just recently started communicating with me with one or two word sentences. At her 2 yr check up she had a vocab of about ...


TK Vs Kindergarten

K.J. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter turns 5 Sept 12 and misses kindergarten cut off. So she has to go to transitional kindergarten. The problem is that she already completed a pre-k program ...


5 Year Old Gifted - Behavioral Issues

A.S. asks from Dallas

Hi Mommas, Long post! I'm sorry! I have a question about my 5 y.o. DS (Kinder in fall). He was diagnosed as expressive speech delayed a little over a year ago a...


Children with Deformities

E.R. asks from Beaumont

I was just wondering if anyone out there has a child with Poland's Syndrome. I have yet to find someone else with a child with this condition. My son is 11 years ol...

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  • high fructose corn syrup in 2 answers "and all of the ketchups but the organic one had high fructose corn syrup."
  • support group meets monthly in 2 answers "... Parents Helping Parents in San Jose. A support group meets monthly ..."
  • sons birthday is sept in 4 answers "I am in the same boat as you. My sons birthday is Sept 28th and the cut-off is Sept ..."
  • homeless shelter in 11 answers "I agree that working a dinner to serve at a homeless shelter or time at CCA pantry ..."
  • do understand your concerns in 2 answers "... steered us away from any other med like it. I do understand your concerns."