physically challenged kid

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Results 101-110 from 348 articles

Testing Out of Kindergarten

A.K. asks from Dallas

Are there any moms out there that decided to have their child test to skip kindergarten and begin first grade? Our daughter is 4 and won't be entering Kindergarten u...


Two Year Old Dare Devil

E.K. asks from Detroit

About a week ago, I caught my daughter trying to go down the stairs with her eyes closed! Just yesterday, I stopped her trying to go down the stairs two at a time! Sh...


"Mom Seeking Advice Regarding Kindergarten for My Daughter"

N.C. asks from Portland

According to the public school district, my daughter turns five 25 days after the age cut off for kindergarten (her birthdate is September 26th; apparently she has to...


Gifted Test Should My Four Year Old Take It

A.W. asks from New York

My four year old came home from school yesturday with a gifted and talented booklet for a practice test. The actual test is in january. I really don't know what to do...


Anyone Traveled Recently on Plane W/infant + Toddler?

A.D. asks from New York

I am going to call the airline (United) on my lunch break as I find what is online a bit confusing ... Or maybe I am just in denial! Haha. But I thought it would be a...


Soccer Moms Please Advise

H.R. asks from Dallas

My son who is 8 has been playing soccer for 3 years. He has always loved it. Problem is he keeps getting put on teams with people who have never played before or fo...


Husband Agreed to Couseling!!!!!

M.F. asks from Youngstown

I do not feel loved by my husband at all. I haven't for a long time. I know he loves me or we would not be married but I don't feel loved and I am sick of it. Literal...


How to Connect with Our 14 Year Old Son?

B.P. asks from San Francisco

Our son has always been a very lovely boy, but now that he turned 14, he's cranky, solitary, and uncommunicative. I respect that he is a teen, but he has learning di...


Should We Push Our Gifted/talented Son into Advanced Courses for Junior High?

M.D. asks from Dallas

My son was identified by the school as being gifted/talented in kindergarten and he's been attending "GT" courses since. He made honor roll every 6 weeks until he hi...


4-Year-old Overacheiver

A.H. asks from Salt Lake City

My 4 year-old-daughter is reading and doing math at a second grade level. My husband and I do not push her to be a genius, but she does it on her own. (e.g. I found ...

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