phd degree

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Results 51-60 from 337 articles

Considering Going to College and Impact on Family

C.C. asks from Indianapolis

I am wanting to change careers and would really like to go to school to get into the nursing field. I know this will put alot of strain on things at home until i get ...


Is Shy/Introverted Easier in This Digital Age?

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Just wondering, for those of you who are shy/ introverted, or who have kids of that ilk, do you find that they get on easier in this digital age? C...


Stay at Home You Feel This Way?

S.D. asks from Phoenix

Every School Year I start to feel this weird feeling that I need to do something with my life.... I got a educated degree in 2005 and really have never used it. I am...


Basal Body Temperature

K.F. asks from Milwaukee

This past summer, I took my BBT daily as my husband and I were hoping to get pregnant. I stopped until this past Monday, because my temp was all over the place, but t...


Getting to Know You...

L.P. asks from Pittsburgh

What is your career, or what do you do for a living? And what does your husband do? I work for a major auto insurance carrier, and I handle medical claims. H...


Very Emotional ~ Is This Normal?!?!

C.A. asks from Norfolk

Greetings! My son is six months old and until about a week ago I was very content with life and very happy with having a child. I didn't have any postpartum blues o...


Have You Changed Careers After 40Yrs of Age?

M.M. asks from Denver

Have you changed careers after 40yrs of age? and have any tips or success stories to share? I'm 'stuck'. I have been a SAHM for 2yrs and feel I need to either re...


I Need a New Career but Am Without a Clue

S.L. asks from New York

My new principal has sucked all the teaching out of teaching. I love my students and love seeing them learn English, but it's all about the paper work now and I have ...


"Help a MOM That Barely Has Time to Breath"

H.L. asks from Houston

Hi everyone, I am a working 50 hours as a Pipe Designer, my dream job. I also go to college full time. I tackle this along with three children and a husband. I wil...


Divorce & Unemployment

M.M. asks from Raleigh

So my stbx still hasn't been offered a job anywhere. He has applied at several different places in his field but it seems like once these companys find out he's alre...

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Answer Highlights

  • taking charge of your fertility in 5 answers "I read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." From what I understand, you ..."
  • by toni weschler in 4 answers "... person to recommend the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler ..."
  • temp stays above in 2 answers "As long as your temp stays ABOVE the coverline for 18 days (it will still fluctuate ..."
  • what is a pipe designer in 2 answers "First off... What is a Pipe Designer?"
  • post partum depression in 2 answers "... when she was 6months, and became more independant, then post partum depression ..."