phd degree

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Results 201-210 from 337 articles

Scripting and Question About Being on the "Autism Spectrum"

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

This is a hard one for me, so please be gentle... My dd is turning three next week, and has been treated for SPD for about a year now. She is doing well...before s...


The Motherhood Choice

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

When my first child was born she faced significant challenges. I had struggled with the choice to become a parent at all, but here I was faced with the ultimate in p...


Marriage & Relationship

C.A. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, Without getting into to much detail, I need some advice about my situation. My husband has been unemployed for the past five months. A typical day for ...


What Does the Future Hold???

A.G. asks from Boca Raton

Lately I have found myself avoiding the news or any type of political conversations. My new motto has become "ignorance is bliss". I have anxiety over the future. ...


Being Really into One Specific Toy

A.F. asks from Portland

My 4yr old loves his tools he plays with them alot, but at the same time he loves to play with other toys also but majority of the time he plays with his tools. Recen...


Anyone Else Feel Guilty for Not Loving Being a Stay-at-home Mother?

R.S. asks from Chicago

Okay, so I didn't plan on being a stay-at-home mother. With a Ph.D, I had hoped to work part-time. Well, it hasn't worked out that way and so here I am...a first time...


Do You & Your Partner Come from the Same Socioeconomic Status?

A.K. asks from Bloomington

If not, have you had any experiences that have directly effected your relationship & how have you handled them? I / we ( husband & I ) are having some issues with my...


Do You Think the Rich Deserve to Be Rich? - Updated

S.!. asks from Los Angeles

Sorry.. I think I am on a political kick today. I hope I am not offending anyone just trying to be more rounded and get different views. So, with that.. I am not sa...


Seeking Anybodys Help or Suggestions

D.L. asks from San Diego

my son has been kick out of his pre-school for behavioral issues, they said when my son started this program they would have a behavioral teacher and never followed t...


Screaming Child

C.N. asks from Minneapolis

Our 21 month old daughter is a screamer. She screams when she doesn't get what she wants. There is a part of me that believes that you don't give in and that you ju...

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