phd degree

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Results 101-110 from 337 articles

Mom-Friendly Online Colleges?

K.W. asks from Augusta

I'm a stay @ home mom of 3. I'm ready to start building my future and hoping to do that by retuning to school and getting a BS in Business Administration. I'm looki...


JFF* Besides Your Kids, What Are You Most Proud Of?

X.O. asks from Chicago

I was just sitting here thinking that the last time I was REALLY proud of myself for achieving something was nearly 6 years ago! I need some inspiration to help ...


For Parents of College Students/recent College Grads...

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

If you have a child in college or a recent (5 years or so) college graduate, can you please share their field of study/degree(s)? We are legal guardians for a high s...


I Feel Selfish Because I Have Career Issues. Am I Hurting My Kiddos?

E.S. asks from Phoenix

Hello. Well, I only have a high school diploma. I'm in my middle 30s. Three kids. Husband works but I need to work to make all bills And do fun stuff. I'm getting sca...


Help with Strong Willed Children

A.W. asks from Nashville

I need help or ideas with Strong willed children.


6 Yr Old Failed Hearing Test - Need Doctor Somewhere Between McKinney and Plano

M.S. asks from Dallas

I'm really upset that my daughter failed her hearing screen at school and was wondering if you have any suggestions on who to take her to for another screen. Should I...


Once a College Grad Professional, Now a SAHM. What Did You Do Before SAHM?

M.M. asks from Chicago

Hi Ladies, I have those days where I do miss my professional life, but when I see my kids smile, I remember the reason why I decided to be a sahm. Let me clarify...


Legit Preschool Teacher?

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

I am researching preschools and found one that I am really interested in. I like their activities, philosophy, pretty much all areas. The only problem is that I don't...


College Education and Tuition as Next 'Housing Bubble?'

R.D. asks from San Diego

I wanted to share this from Mark Cuban (millionaire and owner of Dallas mavericks). I thought it was very interesting and something I hadn't thought about before. Is ...


JFF: Dream Occupation

T.B. asks from Bloomington

If you could choose any occupation and be an expert without having to go back to school, snap your fingers and you have all the schooling/certifications/time needed! ...

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