periods close together

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When to Discuss "Becoming a Woman"

M.M. asks from Toledo

Hello- HELP!! I have been pondering over this for weeks now, and I don't know what to do! What is a good age to start discussing periods? My 7 year old, is developin...


Uninvolved Grandparents...

M.S. asks from San Antonio

I am seeking advice about my dad...and I think I know the answer but my emotions are so tangled at the moment it is hard to think clearly about it. Growing up I ...


Feeling Nervous About Getting Pregnant with Second While First Is So Little.....

B.M. asks from Bellingham

So we've always wanted our kids to be close together (about 2 years) and now that our first boy is 10 months old we've reached the point where it's time to start tryi...


Helping 21 Month Old Stay Asleep

J.J. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 21 month old son and have been having some trouble with his sleeping patterns. I am completely against the Ferber method for him and have chosen not to let ...


This Has Been a Roller coaster...update!

E.L. asks from Los Angeles

For those of you who have followed my story lately, I ended up miscarrying on the 17th. I was only 5 weeks and 2 days. I'm really upset and my husband is devastated. ...


Just Informed My Son Is "Hyperactive" or "High Energy"

A.Y. asks from Jamestown

I just attended my son's kindergarten parent/teacher conference. He is 5, almost 6 years old. Only a few minutes into the meeting, his teacher mentioned he was "hy...


How to Deal with Infertility Blues? :(

H.M. asks from Grand Rapids

Hey ladies! My husband and I have 2 beautiful children (daughter 4, son 2) that we are so thankful for. A while ago we decided that we would love to have one more bab...


Lining of Uterus Too Thick, Anyone Else?

C.M. asks from Washington DC

Hi. So I've been having really heavy and painful periods which is not normal for me at all. I went to my ob and they did an ultra sound of my uterus a couple weeks ag...


3 Year Old Starting Preschool with a Newborn at home...I Am Nervous!

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

So, this July we are expecting our 2nd son and my oldest child (son) is going to be 35 months old. I had planned on sending him to preschool for 2.5 hours a day 3 day...


Girls Weekend Getaway Gone Bad

A.N. asks from Orlando

Hi Moms, I just came back from a weekend getaway with two of my closest friends, and it was a bad experience with one of them (I'll call her "Anne"). Throughout t...

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