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Results 161-170 from 2,377 articles

Long Term Breastfeeding a High Needs Toddler

I.W. asks from Portland

Hi Moms, Before I go into the question I'd like to ask all critics and know-it-alls to quietly roll their eyes to themselves and leave supportive and informative an...


MIL Wants to Be in the Delivery Room

C.M. asks from Chicago

My MIL was in the delivery room for all her grandkids so far--my husband's first wife, and my SIL's first child. She will probably be in the delivery room for my SIL'...


Baby Won't Stop Crying If He Doesn't Get What He Wants.

R.S. asks from Seattle

My son starts crying and getting mad when he doesn't get his way. He is 8 months old now and it's getting worse. Before, I breastfed him on demand so I did hold him a...


Debating with Husband over Baby #2

L.C. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms, I'm looking for some advice/moral support. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, together for 14 years. We have a son that turned 2 in July. It t...


How Does Everyone Spend Quality Time W/ Your Significant Other? Please HELP??

K.G. asks from Minneapolis

I was just wondering how do all of you get "quality" time to spend with your husband or significant other when you have lil children to take care of? MY man and i hav...


Am I Crazy for Still Sleeping in My Babys Room?

R.D. asks from Pittsburgh

I am a first time mom, stay at home, and have a gorgeous, happy 4 month old baby boy. I was wondering, is this too much or does anyone else do this too? I mean sleepi...


Daughter Preference for Dad - Advice Needed!

D.Z. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I know there are several threads on this topic but I wanted to see if anyone has any additional advice for my particular situation. My oldest daughter is 4 and h...


Paternity Lawyers and Fairness

J.J. asks from Kansas City

my husband and i have been together a little over 2 and a half years. he has/had a 3 and a half year old daughter from a previous relationship. the child has lived ...


Building 2 Year Old Independence

M.P. asks from Chicago

I have a 2-fold question. I want to put my son in an excellent dance class with a teacher I love, but it's a 2-3 year old class and it's NOT Mom & Tot, so he'd have ...


Moral/ethical Question

M. asks from Birmingham

Hi. I telecommute, as do many of my coworkers (all around the country). Nevertheless, we have a very closeknit team. My boss and I are close, and the same can be s...

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