For any of you part-time working moms, where did you find your jobs? I am looking for someone to work part-time, but HR is looking through recruiters and posting ads...
The preschool where my 4 year old is and our family has been for the past 7+ years won't allow us to go part time (3 days per week), even though there are other kids ...
I'm looking for someone that would be willing to keep my daughter part-time. I only work part time so I wouldnt need someone all the time. I think this is the perfect...
Hello moms
I currently work full time and go to school part time but I'm always looking to make extra $$. I am open to any "fun" opportunities that don't cost a lot...
My son is turning 3 in March and I would like to put him in preschool. I live in Milpitas. Any recommendations for a good part-time (2 or 3 half days a week) preschoo...
I am needing to see how much part-time daycare would cost for a 7 month old. I may be getting a job working part time...20hours a week, say 9-1 mon-thurs. Can anyone ...
I am starting my search for part time childcare. I'd like to find a place that's pretty flexible and affordable. I'm in the Lake Highlands area, and am in need of a...