parents as teacher

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Would It Be Annoying If I Asked the Teacher To...

A.C. asks from Detroit

My 5 yr. old is in a Chinese Immersion kindergarten program (part of the public school). She told us tonight that her teacher gave her a Chinese name. I understand wh...


Parent Teacher Conferences

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- DS in in pre-K. Parent teacher conferences are tonight. What sort of information should i expect to receive? What sorts of questions would you/ sho...


Would You Email the Teacher First?

J.T. asks from New York

I posted a little while ago about my daughter's 3rd grade teacher. I let the one incident go as I didn't want to rush in and my daughter seemed ok. There have been ...


Teacher Gift Ideas**Handmade

J.W. asks from Dallas

I know it's only October, but I have to start my planning now. I am needing homemade teacher gift ideas from you all! My daughter's teacher like pottery and anything ...


Legit Preschool Teacher?

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

I am researching preschools and found one that I am really interested in. I like their activities, philosophy, pretty much all areas. The only problem is that I don't...


Should the Teacher Be Contacted or the Other Parent???

J.K. asks from Dallas

My daughter (Kindergarten) gave a friend of hers a "Wuggle Pet" to put on her backpack for school. Sometime in the morning my daughter saw another little girl take t...


Intro from Your Child's Teacher

B.C. asks from New York

Hi moms I'm looking for some feed-back to find out if maybe I am wrong on this I alway had my children in private school until last year because we moved to a rea...


REPOST - Ideas for Teacher Appreciation

J.R. asks from Nashville

I think there was something wrong with my original request today, in that it did not allow responses. Wanted to repost my question 'cuz I really need help!: Calli...


Problems with Teacher and School!!!! HELP

M.G. asks from Modesto

My son is in first grade and has been dubbed as a "day dreamer" who does not pay attention, one who "can not keep on task", and "defiant". At home, he is a very well ...


Help with a Teacher Who Is Unwilling to Communicate with Me

L.G. asks from Buffalo

Hi Everyone~ I am so very frustrated right now. My daughter is 9 and is in a blended 4th grade class because she has a math learning disability and reading comprehe...

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