organizing clutter

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Results 41-50 from 343 articles

How Do You Organize Your Kids?

L.T. asks from Gainesville

No matter how much I clean my kids rooms they just keep being messy! I am wondering do any of you have organizing tips for toys, clothes,& clutter in general?I would ...


Fall Organization Tips

M.F. asks from San Francisco

Hi mamas! Do you guys prefer organizing/cleaning in the fall or the summer? What are your top tips for organizing?


Organized Mammas -Please Share Your Tactics and Tips for Time Management

M.M. asks from Denver

I always seem to be 10 minutes late everywhere, all the time. I cannot stand it anymore but I just cannot seem to get everything done despite being late. Organized ma...


Always Feel Behind in Housework

K.G. asks from Detroit

I always feel like I am behind in the house work. There is always something that needs to done...dishes, laundry, general clutter. How can I get caught up? Once I ...


Household Organization

K.S. asks from Dallas

I have a very small home/trailer, I am looking for suggestions on how to maximize my space (with minimal costs) I have been getting shelving, & looking at consignment...


Has Anyone Used a Professional Organizer?

M.M. asks from Minneapolis

We moved into our house when my son was one month old but between work, spending time with my family, and keeping up with housework, I STILL have a lot of organizing ...


Organization with 4 Children

H.H. asks from Cedar Rapids

I'm the mother of 4 children (8,6,3,10 months) and am looking for ideas for organizing papers school and activity info. I'm thinking of a hanging folder system with ...


Organization and Decluttering Troubles

J.K. asks from Phoenix

This sounds so silly but I'm totally serious. I'm having trouble decluttering and organizing my house. If you came over, you'd say "this isn't bad." My house is cl...


Spring Cleaning - Need Organization Ideas

T.K. asks from Dallas

I busted my butt spring cleaning this weekend. I inevitably have the same clutter traps. I clean them out and the stuff starts accumulating again. Do you have any c...


How to Keep a House Clean with Good Cleaning Habits?

A.M. asks from Tampa I am feeling less of a woman asking this question but I want to know how to keep a house clean and clutter free. Does anyone have any tips or routines? ...

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Answer Highlights

  • feel like less of a woman in 2 answers "First of all, you definitely shouldn't feel like less of a woman."
  • stacie campion in 2 answers "i use one to keep me sane - her name is stacie campion and she can be contacted at ..."
  • shelving units in 2 answers "... sell (probably at a lot of places, I got mine at Target) these shelving units ..."
  • things i want to keep and put in 2 answers "I date the special things I want to keep and put them in a box or I take a picture ..."
  • sheet protectors in 2 answers "I use the sheet protectors so that his projects and papers don't stick to each other."