organizing clutter

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Results 111-120 from 343 articles

How Do You Get It All Done?!

H.L. asks from Portland

I am having trouble keeping up with everything. I work from home and have flexible hours. My kids are 8 and 6, so I feel like I should be doing just fine with all tha...


Busy Moms and Tiime Management

J.B. asks from Dallas

I am a wahm.... I am thinking about going back to school but I still haven't mastered time management for what I'm currently doing. I think it would be good to go b...


Getting & Staying Organized

A.P. asks from Los Angeles

What I need is an organization Nazi to help run my home office! What are some ideas for 1.) Getting motivated- I seem to be the best at being a creative procrastina...


House Cleaning

A.C. asks from Dallas

Im looking for an individual or company for house cleanings. With a baby and working full time I really dont have time to clean (actually I'd rather be playing with ...


Trying to Get Organized!

C.A. asks from Dallas

Hey girls, We're thinking of putting our house on the market mainly because it's just more house than I can handle on a day-to-day & it's become unmanagable for me! ...


Trying to Get Better Organized!!!

J.S. asks from Chicago

So, I need some advice and tips!! I have a pretty large home, about 3,000sq feet, 3 kids, and a dog. On top of that, I run a home daycare, in which I have anywhere ...


Looking for Cleaning Service to Help Me Clean and Organize...

K.P. asks from Chicago

I need help finding a reputable cleaning service that will clean my entire house as well as help me organize my bookshelves, closets, and kids toys. I am personally ...


How Much Do I Charge You Ask.......

M.R. asks from Philadelphia

Recently my mother called me to tell me she has a girl-friend who is in need of having cleaning done at her house.If we mesh well,she would like me to come on a regul...


How Can I Get My House in Order and My Life?

D.L. asks from Jacksonville

I can't get my house and all its stuff in order,it is a huge disaster with a ten year old boy ,a new pup and a new kitten.


Cleaning Playroom and Bedroom

K.M. asks from Cleveland

I am do overwhelmed!! When we moved we threw everything into the playroom with no order at all. The same holds true for our third bedroom. It is where we put the boxe...

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