Hey Moms,
Just wanted to get some feedback on nursing frequency. My newest addition is now 6 weeks old. He is doing great weight wise, gained from 7lbs 11 oz to 10...
Ok, so I had to stop nursing at about 2 months because some medication I absolutely must take was causing my baby serious GI discomfort. I'm now 4 months pp and stil...
I am nursing my 5 month old baby and I have been wanting to go on a diet. I am very overwieght and do not exercise. I have signed up for a gym membership, but I would...
Hi Ladies,
My husband and I are talking about trying for baby #2, our son is 8mo old and for us the timing is right to start trying. My question/concern is that I ha...
When I nurse my son he seems to be hungry every 2 hours, but when I pump and give a bottle he goes 4 hours before being hungry again. He also spits up less with a bo...
My 10-month-old son has gone on a nursing strike and refuses to breastfeed. When I try to nurse him he bites immediately, not even considering latching on. For the pa...
My son is a month old and have been nursing since we left the hospital without a problem. I do not bottle feed. He was given a bottle during his stay at the hospita...
I need help! My daughter just turned 13 months and is getting more difficult to put down for naps. She's down to two naps a day (one long early afternoon and one sho...
i just read in one of the "baby books" that my five month old breastfed baby should be going three/four hour stretches between feedings. she is still eating more or l...
I had questions for you moms who have nursed while pregnant. I just found out so I'm only a month along and my daughter is 14 months old. I have no intention of wea...
what the american academy of pediatrics
in 2 answers
"Here's what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends at that age:
per day than other women
in 2 answers
"Nursing mothers get about 10 points more per day than other women, but it is necessary ..."
hylands teething tablets
in 2 answers
"I would give her Orajel before she nursed and also hyland's teething tablets during ..."
know weight watchers has a program
in 2 answers
"... the responses so it might have been said. I know weight watchers has a program ..."
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