Abby Deckard (NST St. Louis) does some non-invasive body work, and she worked on my husband and I right before I ovulated and we got pregnant that month. ...
I am 33 weeks pregnant and Thurs night I lost this huge chunk of gel out of me. ... and then no movement, I would definitely ask for a nonstress test (NST). ...
I have not had an ultrasound, I have not had a NST I have not had anything to ensure ..... Next question: Overdue Pregnancy - to Induce or Not to Induce? ...
As it was my first pregnancy, I was excited to have my baby; ...... By Tuesday, her actual due date, the NST showed no spike in heart rate even though I ...
Read all 84 responses: "this is my first due date is july ... Insist on a NST (non-stress test) and a biophysical profile at your visit ...
I am not sure if any of you have dealt with this when you were pregnant, but I literally can't sleep at night because my legs won't settle down and I feel the urge to...
Hi Ladies!
Could any of you share your experiences with getting your labors induced? I'm 7 days overdue today and my doctors want to induce me tomorrow morning. I wa...
Ok, so I went to my doctor and had an ultrasound at 34 weeks. He called back and said that my placenta was already at stage 2. He gave me an analogy that explained ...
My due date was Sunday the 21st. So far, the doctor has said I am not dilated at all. I went in for a NST (stress test) on the baby and she seems fine. The sonogra...
I am wondering about a few things and am not getting any answers from the doctors so I’m hopping someone else can help me or has gone through the same thing and can...