My son was born with perfect skin, like most babies, but in the last three weeks his face as gone from beautiful to being covered in little pimples, to now being SUPE...
my baby is 3 weeks old. he has really dry, flakey skin all over his body. i've been using johnson's lotion, but it doesn't seem to be helping. i have baby oil, but...
I was looking at my 5 month old son today and noticed a single small patch of white skin on the folds of his neck. It's essentially skin with no pigmentation. We no...
My daughter has had this weird...shall we say skin issue, in the groin (where her leg meets...
I have used DeCleor products for years, but am considering a change. (They are difficult to find and expensive.) I am looking for 2 things -- a cleanser that you appl...
My youngest son is 7 months old and I have recently noticed that his skin is sort of yellowish and his nose is very noticeably orange. He was jaundice when he was bor...
this winter weather has left my kids with chapped cheeks...I normally use lubriderm which is a great lotion,, but they complain that it hurts... and I tried it on som...
My kiddo has had a temp for a few days now (since Tues). It ranges from low 99's with meds to 102 when meds wear off. On Tues night she took a shower. I usually sl...
Prior to the birth of my son a year ago, I never had any issues with my skin. Now, I have terrible acne on my back and these strange bumps and red marks on my thighs...
Hello all. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Last night my daughter over-used her diaper and the gel was coming out of the diaper this morning whe...