No Cry Sleep Solution

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Question About the Cry It Out Method

V.A. asks from Chicago

Hi - I am a mother of a 3 month old boy and he just started a bed time routine he goes to bed from 9-10pm and wakes up around 3:30am for a nite time feeding then goes...


"Letting Baby Cry at Night"

J.R. asks from New York

I have a 81/2 month old baby girl named Isabel, who about a month ago began wakeing up every four hours to eat at night. At first I gave in because she was refusing t...


Is There Anyone Out There Who DOESN'T Let Their Baby Cry It Out?

J.B. asks from Madison

My 5 month old baby girl use to be an excellent sleeper until one night she started waking up every hour and continues to do so to this day. My husband and I are pret...


Too Soon to Let Son Cry It Out?

S.G. asks from Sacramento

Hi Mamas..My son is almost 3 months old. He has been sleeping in the Pack n Play in the living room with me. Lately, he has resisted going to sleep. I can see he is r...


Needing Support with Cry It Out Method

K.C. asks from Honolulu

I nurse and soothe my 5 month old to sleep around 7pm if she hasn't had a late afternoon nap. If she wakes up after she's been down, I'm trying to "let her cry" sinc...


Seeking Sleep Help--other than Cry-it-out & Pantley

C.P. asks from New York

I need help getting my 7 1/2 month old to sleep well. He falls asleep on his own for naps (30min. only) and at bedtime, but he still is up every hour or so during th...


How Long to Let a Baby Cry?

M.H. asks from Lima

Hello! My daughter is now 4 months old. She was a good sleeper as a newborn baby, however times have sure changed. It takes me about 3 hours each night to get her to ...


At What Age Do You Let a Baby 'Cry It Out'?

A.R. asks from Panama City

I have a 7 week old son who was held day and night by his well-intentioned grandmothers for the first 5 weeks. While we greatly appreciated their help, they are now ...


17 Month Old Toddler All of a Sudden Cry's to Sleep in Crib

M.H. asks from Las Vegas

I have always had a hard time getting my son to sleep on his own, but at about 12 months old he would finally go down in his crib without to much of a fuss. I dont k...


Is 3 Months Too Young to Let My Baby Cry a Few Minutes to Sleep?

C. asks from Chicago

My three month old son won't nap. I guess I should be thankful that his nights are good. He goes to bed without crying after a bath, swaddle and nurse. Sometimes h...

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Answer Highlights

  • dont believe in letting babies cry in 2 answers "... trick him to think you're holding him. I don't believe in letting babies cry ..."
  • kim wests book in 2 answers "I like Kim West's book. "Good Night, Sleep Tight: The Sleep Lady's Gentle Guide to ..."
  • book healthy sleep habits in 2 answers "... don't see it improving NEXT YEAR, try the Weisbluth book Healthy Sleep Habits ..."
  • creates insecure babies in 2 answers "Just my opinion, but crying it out creates insecure babies who don't think their needs ..."
  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "A great book to read is "The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Babies""