night nurse

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Results 71-80 from 19,574 articles

My Son Wants to Nurse but Wont. Help?

R.B. asks from San Antonio

hi, i have a 4 month old son, who i breast fed for the first 3 months straight. at which point i introduced bottles, while still breast feeding so i could leave him w...


Going Out but Baby Is Still Waking to Nurse

S.T. asks from Portland

My husband and I are attending a neighborhood christmas party this weekend and we have a trusted babysitter for our two boys. However the youngest is 10 months old, ...


Trying to Nurse My Baby, Not Sure If It's Working!!

J.K. asks from Seattle

I had a baby one month ago and i wanted to nurse him. but it doesn't look like my milk is coming in. I pump around 2 oz , but that's not what i get all the time, some...


Six Month Old Not Wanting to Nurse!

E.G. asks from Tulsa

Help... my daughter is 6 months old, breastfed and has 2 teeth :). The other night before bed she bit me really hard, and I yelled out and flicked her not hard at all...


Why Do Mothers Nurse Well After 6-8 Months?

A.G. asks from Honolulu

I've been reading some of the stories out there and I rather not respond because I want to stay respectful and not offend other mothers out there. I have decided to a...


How Often Should a Ten Month Old Nurse?

M.C. asks from Tampa

Hi Ladies, I know that every baby is different but I am looking for a ballpark on how often a 10 1/2 month old should nurse. He is eating 3 meals/solids per day in a...


5 Month Old Will ONLY Nurse down to Sleep!

D.F. asks from Denver

My daughter LOVES to nurse. And has always been a good nurser. Great, right? Well, that is until my mom or husband tries to put her down for a nap or to bed. She'...


5 Week Old Wants to Nurse Constantly

R.L. asks from Houston

I'm just curious if other moms have had a similar experience and how it worked out. My almost 5 week old seems to want to nurse constantly in the afternoons. (not e...


How Often a 6Mth Old Should Nurse at Nighttime

J.F. asks from Chicago

Does anyone know how often you should be breastfeeding a 6 month old baby during the nighttime? I put our babies down around 7:30 pm & they wake up around 7:30 am. ...


11 Month Old Suddenly Refusing to Nurse.

J.A. asks from Syracuse

Has anyone had experience with this? My previously ravenous nurser stopped cold. It has been since Thursday afternoon since he last nursed. He is sick (the stomach...

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