night nurse

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Results 51-60 from 19,574 articles

8 Month Old Who Suddenly Is Refusing to Nurse

M.G. asks from New York

Has anyone had a problem with their child refusing to nurse? My daughter has nursed with good success since she was born. When she was 4 months old she started the ...


11 Month Old Doesn't Want to Nurse Any More

J.C. asks from Tampa

Hi, I just thought I'd ask if anyone had any experience with something like this. My 11 month old started to absolutely refuse to nurse on one side. I tried all diff...


How Often Should 13 Month Old Nurse

A.H. asks from Longview

My daughter just turned 13 months and I was wondering how often children nurse at this age. For as long as I can remember she would nurse every two hours. But for the...


8.5 Month Old Wants to Nurse Through the Night

J. asks from Dallas

I need some ideas on how to get my 8.5 month old to sleep a little better at night. I will preface this by saying I don't believe in letting him cry it out, so I need...


Have You Woken an Older Baby to Nurse If You Are Feeling 'Full'?

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

We are going to a wedding next week and I won't be able to nurse my 10 m.o. daughter before bed. I don't pump. She nurses 3 times a day (morning, at afternoon nap and...


How Many Times Should a 7 Month Old Nurse?

D.G. asks from Colorado Springs

my daughter is almost 7 months old and she only want to nurse 3-4 times a day and nurses very quickly. at her last check up, although she was againing wieght, she dr...


9 Month Old Not Wanting to Nurse Very Much

E.C. asks from Raleigh

my 9 month old little girl is not wanting to eat very long when i nurse her, she is very very tiny she only weights 15lbs, the doctor wants her to nurse as much as po...


7 Month Old Refusing to Nurse

M.H. asks from Chicago

My son who is 7 months old is refusing to nurse. I had been on vacation over Thanksgiving and so during that time, he was nursed exclusively. Now, he will only take a...


8 Month Old Waking up at All Hours to Nurse

J.W. asks from San Diego

My daughter is waking up at all hours to nurse. It wasnt a problem in the early months because she was sleeping all through the night. At first i thought she was just...


Baby Nurse Needed in Manhattan - Westside

A.L. asks from New York

I am expecting my first children, twins end of August / beginning of September 2008 and am looking for a full-time maternity nurse for a few months. (probably until D...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 2 answers "I would recommend that you call a La Leche League Leader or get to a meeting: ..."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "... to either a Board Certified Lactation Consultant or possibly a La Leche League ..."
  • la leche league in 2 answers "... situation, calm voice, soothing music, whatever she's used to. La Leche League ..."
  • primary source of nutrition in 2 answers "... doctor's advice - breastmilk should be your baby's primary source of nutrition ..."
  • 4 times per day in 2 answers "... foods and other liquids they take in - but continue to nurse 3-4 times per day ..."